Tooele County CERT
CERT Training hosted by Stansbury Park CERT and Tooele County Emergency Services
Please register for the class by October 20th
To become CERT trained all you have to do is complete the online portion listed below,
Watch 2 videos, fill out some question and information sheets, andattend CERT Skills Days on October 29, 2016
CERT Skills Training Day with a Disaster Simulation
Who:Anyone 14 and over (with parent’s permission) who wants to become CERT trained for their family and community
When:October 29th
Time:Sat 7:00 am -5 pm(bring your own lunch and water and snacks)
Where: Stansbury High School
Cost:$45.00 (Includes CERT Protective Equipment and supplies for the class)
What you need to do:
- You need to give yourself time to take the course before the training day
This CANNOT be done the night before You need to give yourself at least 9 hours in all
To get the online parts done this can be done in little sections at a time, but it needs to all be done
- Complete the Introduction to CERT course IS 317 on the internetThis is imperative
You must complete the online part before you take the Hands On Training part
Be sure to print your certificate when you have completed the training
- Print the question sheet to answer questions as you watch the videos on YouTube
- Watch two video presentationsfrom the National CERT website CERT in Action (19:13) and
CERT Training: Disaster Psychology (43:14)
Answer the questions on the sheet printed earlier
– CERT Training: Disaster Psychology (43:14)
- Print and complete the Personal and Family Preparedness sheet
- Print and fill out the Application and Waiver Form and the Volunteer Code of Conduct
- You must pay for the course by registering on Eventbrite where you may pay online
(If you cannot pay online please contact Robin at robinstansburyparkcert@gmailcom)
Here is the URL to register and pay
There is a surcharge to pay through eventbrite of $347
But if you don’t want to pay that then you must register with Robin by Oct 20th in person
You must bring your registration formand payment to Robin Frederickson by October 20th
If you pay by cash or check to hold your place in the class
You may pay by either cash or check (Please make the checks out to Stansbury Park CERT)
- Participate in the training on the 29th
This is the hands on CERT activities and skills including participation in the disaster simulation
(It will be a very full, fun day on Saturday)
- Bring
-the certificate from the online course,
-Application and Waiver Form,
-Videos question sheet,
-theVolunteer Code of Conduct form, and
-the Personal and Family Preparedness Sheet
– The receiptfrom Eventbrite on Saturday morning
- Wear sturdy, comfortable clothing that can get dirty and sturdy shoes to the Skills Day on Saturday
(No shorts, sandals, flip flops, or hanging jewelry)
At the end of the skills day you will be CERT trained!
Training Websites: to CERT course IS 317– CERT in Action (19:13)– CERT Training: Disaster Psychology (43:14) sheet, Volunteer Codeof Conduct, andApplication and Waiver Form,
And Personal and Family Preparedness sheet
Registration and Payment Website:
There is a surcharge to pay through eventbrite of $3.47.
But if you don’t want to pay that then you must register with Robin by October 29th in person
For questions talk to your Emergency Preparedness Coordinator or e-mail Robin
Sessions: “Hands On” Classes Taught
- Fire Suppression – PASS, Practice putting out fires
- Medical Operations 1 –Treat for 3 killers-Not Breathing, Excessive Bleeding, Shock, Head Tilt ChinLift,Triage, Head to toe Assessment, Special Considerations for Head and neck injuries,
- Medical Operations 2 – Bandaging,Impalements, Burns, Splinting,Setting up a Treatment Site
- S&R – Size Up, Triangulation, and Searching left to right, Marking the Door, Extrication, Cribbing exercise
- CERT Org and Disaster Psychology – ICS, Documentation, Local Org, Briefing, Post Debriefing, Children, Death, what to say and what not to say
- Review and Disaster Simulation – We will work through the simulation at least 2 times.
- Discussion and Clean up – Everyone will be asked to help clean up
- Certificates