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Minutes 2018

13, December 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 12-13-18

Attendees: Travis Daniels, Gerry Neil, Kevin Russell, Neal Dymock, Dan Walton, Chris Shubert, Arnoldo Velasco, Craig Tate, Randy Willden, Ken Pratt, Kevin Bowman, Eric Grange, Justin Huffman, Rick Harrison, Beckie Boekweg

1. Meeting called to order by Kevin Russell at 7:01.
2. Approval of November 2018 minutes

a. Randy Willden made motion to approve. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.

3. Red Cross- Toni Wise

a. Gave presentation on resources the Red Cross can provide in a disaster. Handout was provided with contact information.

b. Red Cross offers the home fire campaign. They will install smoke detectors in homes for free.

4. UFRA- Kevin Bowman/ Ken Pratt

a. Winter Fire School

b. Regional Fire School- Will be held at the Tooele Army Depot.

i. Flashover prop is reserved. Each 4-hour delivery can hold 12 people. Need a minimum of 16 people to hold 2 classes. Saturday would be best day to hold classes. 2- 4 hr. deliveries on Sat. 4 hr Friday night also.

ii. Justin Huffman will do rosters for regional fire school 2019. Kevin needs rosters completed 30 days out.

iii. Need a letter signed by chiefs that proves fit test for participants.

iv. Firefighter survival class would be held 4 hrs Friday night and 8 hrs Saturday day. Needs 16 people to hold class.

v. Unified Bomb Squad was interested in doing a bomb class the same weekend as fire school. Chiefs agree it should be held a different weekend.

vi. Basic fire investigation class. 4-hour block is do-able. 2- 4 hour blocks are preferred.

vii. Live Fire evolution class. Kevin can get that prop anytime of the year.

viii. CTC class. Ken Pratt- Incident command for volunteers. You are always welcome to schedule that at any time. Minimum is 8 students. The class is scheduled for 4 hr Thur, 4 hr Fri and 8 hr Sat. 12 Student cap. They can run it with 24 people on Friday night and then split it on sat to 12 people in the AM and 12 people in the PM.

ix. Ops and tactics class also available. They can give information on how to fight a garage fire or basement fire.

x. Kevin would like to get Clean Harbors contact information to look into their Fire Brigade and how they can fit into the training plan.

xi. Randy will create a flyer for the regional fire school and send it to Beckie for distribution.

xii. Chief Tate will talk with the Eagles Nest to see if they are interested in providing food for the event or work on getting food trucks.

xiii. Bucky will provide water and Kevin will provide snacks.

5. Dan Walton- Fire Warden

a. County Wildfire Preparedness Plan is done. There will be a link on the Sheriffs website.

b. BLM has provided funding to a few municipalities for preparedness plans. This funding will help get your preparedness plan done. The money expires on Sept 30 2019.

c. There is pressure on the BLM to put together a response plan for the mag corp area. Dan would like to have input on this plan from key players.

d. Urban Interface Coordinator is starting spring planning. They would like to know if anyone wants to schedule chipper days. Randy Willden would like to schedule.

e. Engine Boss class Jan 15-17 in Draper. Contact Dan for more info.

f. State paid out quite a few million dollars for MOU participating fire depts. Dan would like to emphasize benefit of having a qualified engine boss.

g. Morgan County has a fire chief vacancy. They are also doing a basic wildland class in Feb.

h. Alertsense groups- Dan would like to create fire dept alertsense groups. Chiefs would like permission from each member to use their personal numbers. A survey will be sent out for permission.

6. Bucky Whitehouse- TCEM

a. Reimbursement requests for hazmat response are on their way. Commissioners will be deciding if program will continue as is or will be changing. 7 depts are reimbursed for hazmat response capabilities and number of responses you make in unincorporated areas of Tooele County non-wild fire related. Considering splitting the money into two programs. This would impact Stockton, Vernon and Rush Valley.

i. Justin would like to see it split into two programs to determine hazmat capabilities. They also, they respond all over the south end of the county and the town of Stockton covers all that.

ii. Bucky will work with new commissioners and stakeholders to look at possible changes to the program.

b. Fit testing- There is interest in purchasing new fit testing machines. The machine runs about $9500. The machine would be housed at TCEM and could be checked out. Each dept will need to contribute to the purchase. There is left over money from Spillman if you’d like to use that toward the purchase. All are in agreement to make the purchase and use leftover Spillman funds.

i. TCEM will send remaining Spillman funds to The Fire Chiefs Assoc.

c. Everything is going well with Spillman Touch.

d. Decontamination Training will be held Feb 13 th at TTC 3-5 or 6-8. RSVP to bboekweg@tcem.org. Beckie will send out a flyer.

e. SHSP grant both 2017 and 2018 funds are available.

f. Joe Carnell would like to come to Chiefs meeting in the future and show everyone the model they are using for data collection on calls.

g. Jared Wright is holding the NREMT refresher and will be held Jan 31, Feb 1-2.

h. Dispatch is going live with the AVL and tying it into quickest route. If you are willing to put GPS into your computer dispatch can integrate quickest route for you.

7. Justin Huffman- Stockton

a. 2 people passed their AVL pumper class. They will be doing shop with a cop santa claus escort this year.

b. Dan Walton- Fire Warden

i. Travis will get with Rob and Jason on their upcoming class and will work with Dan.

c. Randy Willden- NTFD

i. Randy has had a couple of UHP ask him to take possession of fireworks. The fire marshal’s office is now responsible to pick them up and destroy them. Don’t take possession of fireworks.

d. Bucky Whitehouse- TCEM

i. A lot of activity going on at the industrial depot. Many will be involving hazardous materials. We will share information with association.

ii. Fire 1 & 2 not planned for 2019

e. Eric Grange- Clean Harbors

i. They have a new general manager who is interested in being engaged with the County. They do handle fireworks and can take them from the depts. They have a Quantifit fit testing system and would be willing to help out with fit testing until the association decides what to do with fit testing equipment. They can take fuel from departments if needed.

f. Rick Harrison- TCFD

i. Nothing to report.

g. Beckie

i. Fire Chiefs Dinner 6 PM at EOC. RSVP to bboekweg@tcem.org

1. Invite new commissioners and association list.

h. Kevin Russell- Dugway & Rush Valley

i. All their new equipment is up and running

ii. Treasurer report $2867.57 in account

iii. Invoices were passed out for Annual Dues to all depts.

01, November 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 11-1-18

Attendees: Bucky Whitehouse, Kevin Bowman, James Tarpley, Justin Huffman, Gerry Neil, Dan Walton, Regina Nelson, Rob Critchlow, Ronald D’Andrea, Roundtree

Excused: Beckie Boekweg

1. Meeting called to order at 19:00
2. October meeting minutes

a. Gerry Neil made motion to approve October meeting minutes. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.

3. Kevin Bowman UFRA

a. There is testing Friday

b. Regional Fire School

i. Rural CTC is liked. It could be a Friday night class.

ii. Its hard to get people to Dugway as a school location.

iii. Fire museum may be a location option.

iv. Army Depot works well and is already locked in.

v. Dates would be April 26 & 27 Friday night and All Day Saturday.

vi. Saturday class could be an 8-hour arson investigation class.

vii. Hazmat class would be good

viii. Bomb training- Bucky will contact UFA

ix. Flash over class- TCFD interested. Need 12- have 6 Terra Fire has 3

x. Will hold off on an extrication class as well as forcible entry

xi. Hold off on Large Warehouse suppression CTC phase lll and start with Rural CTC phase l

xii. Emphasis on students showing up to class and engaging.

xiii. In 2 weeks email a reminder to have chiefs check with crews on what classes they are interested in.

4. Bucky Whitehouse TCEM

a. Motorola prices are down until January. Apex 7000- $2700-$2800.

b. Homeland Security Grant

i. 2017 & 2018 funds are limited to specific items.

5. New Business

a. None

6. Old Business

a. None

7. Regina Nelson Dispatch

a. Joe has a presentation for December

b. Spillman Touch- All agencies except for Dugway fire are set up.

c. HipLink licenses are running short. Clean up rosters to free up more licenses.

d. Fire South Page- TEAD automatic Aid

i. TEAD helps TCFD it goes out on south page. Separate out TEAD?

ii. UTTR has funding for pager system, it will work better for them. Setting up list for Automatic Aid resources.

e. Quickest route goes live Nov 16 th

8. Bucky Whitehouse- TCFD

a. Nothing

9. James Tarpley- TEAD

a. A couple chiefs changed stations.

10. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire

a. Cattle truck tip over was a difficult call. They want to find a trailer to train with.

b. County EMS Board- Thatcher is Chairman, Regina Vice Chair, South Area needs new Rep, Jake from Terra will be on EMS Board.

11. Gerry Neil- Terra Fire

a. Nothing

12. Dan Walton- Fire Warden

a. Quickest route- get response time down and get a prize.

b. Fire investigation emphasis

13. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville Fire

a. New Engine E32

14. Ronald D’Andrea- UTTR

a. Mutual Aid capacity has increased, and they are excited to help. There is increased activity at UTTR. New live fire shooting range. Very busy with growth.

15. Regina Nelson- Dispatch

a. TEAD & UTTR- Automatic Mutual Aid? Mutual/ auto with definitions

16. Meeting adjourned

a. Gerry Neil made motion to adjourn.

14, Ocotber 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 10-4-18

Attendees: Craig Tate, James Tarpley, Kevin Russell, Justin Huffman, Dan Walton, Gerry Neil, Beckie Boekweg, Rick Harrison, Randy Willden

1. Meeting called to order at 7:12 by Rick Harrison.

2. Approval of Sept Minutes 2018

a. Gerry Neil Made motion to approve. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.

3. Dan Walton- Fire Warden

a. Fire Restrictions were lifted today 10-04-18. Burn permits will be available online.

b. Dispatch can track you back to station to log time of return (portal to portal). This is for safety reasons. It will show you complete and back to station. It can also help you with reporting.

i. This can be presented to Regina if all in favor.

c. Cost recovery/fire investigator class coming from URFA. Dan and Lloyd and 2 sheriffs deputys are going. $400 per student. Week long class. Mock fire scenario in Provo Canyon. Oct 29- Nov 2

d. Participation Commitment statement needed for the year.

e. Reminder of CWPP for all municipalities due July 1. NTFD due Jan 1

f. Keep tracking your mitigation.

g. Reminder – agencies participating in state fire policy need to have your people go through the S-130 S-190 wildland class, red cards are preferred but not required unless you want them on the MOU roster for state fire billing.

h. County Initial attack reimbursements are all caught up.

i. Avon Fire in North Eden area. A military 5 ton was driven thru a fire area and burned up the brake line. Gerry has a suggestion of a way to prevent that.

j. BLM is going off duty tomorrow. Vernon muskrat will be unstaffed. Dan will start doing some prescribed fires. He will broadcast that over the pagers a day or two before for notification.

k. Radio Training- He would like to go thru the radios with you and help to understand. Small groups would be better.

l. Randy would like to have a conversation with someone about red flag days and overload of equipment and people this winter.


4. Craig Tate- TEAD

a. Nothing

5. Justin Huffman- Stockton

a. Had some guys get their red cards

b. They did a cwpp meeting and had a couple people come.

6. Randy Willden- NTFD

a. ADO class is going well. Lots of engines to work on.

b. They have the bounce house for fire prevention week. If you would like it, schedule with Cassandra.

c. HIPLINK message from Regina, they are out of hiplink licenses. Please send names to Regina of people no longer using it.

d. NTFD will be wearing pink t shirts for the month of Oct for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

e. Open house Oct 9th

7. Kevin Russell- Rush Valley Fire

a. Treasury report $2867.53 in the account. The only money going out is to Beckie for secretarial duties.

b. Spillman Touch invoiced for half of the fees collected. TCEM will cut a check to the Chiefs Association for the overage and the association will hold it for maintenance fees.

c. Chad Hymas built a ranch in Big Hollow. Fire pits were approved. Whenever there are crowds of over 200 Chad is required to notify for fire protection.

d. Dugway is almost done with the confined space prop. When it is up and running they will open it for others to use.

8. James Tarpley- TEAD

a. Thanks for the support with Feala’s funeral. Please watch over our people.

9. Rick Harrison- Tooele City

a. Open house Oct 13th 10-2. Airmed will be there at 1.

b. Veterans did a flag retirement ceremony last week.

10. Gerry Neil- Terra

a. BLM is working a fire break up that they will burn after first snowfall.

b. They have 2 new people they are training.

11. Regina- Need to send out a hiplink message to update hiplink rosters to chiefs.
12. Next Meeting- Nov 3rd at 7 at the EOC

06, September 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 9-6-18

Attendees: Cassandra Ray, Rob Critchlow, Travis Daniels, Rick Harrison, Gerry Neil, Justin Huffman, Llyod Evans, Cami Nelson, J Lesko, Bucky Whitehouse, Beckie Boekweg

Excuse: Randy Willden, Kevin Russell, Kevin Bowman

1. Meeting called to order

a. Rob called the meeting to order at 7:13 following Buckys EOC presentation.

2. Approval of August Meeting Minutes

a. August minutes approved. Gerry Neil made motion. Seconded by Justin Huffman.

3. Joe Carnell

a. There will be a carfentanil drill at the hospital in the second quarter next year.

i. Bucky and Glenn will work on getting some education about carfentanil exposures and treatment for departments.

ii. There are some grant opportunities to help with the drill. Valley Mental Health will bea partner.

b. The new landing zone policy will be sent out with the meeting minutes. If the chiefs are all good with-it Joe will standardize it

4. Rob Critchlow

a. Middle Canyon Fire Meeting Update

i. Automatic Aid was discussed and agreed that it will pertain to priority 1 & 2 calls.

1. Stockton had Tooele City paged for automatic aid on a recent event. Their dept doesn’t feel that it is necessary. They already have automatic aid with the south fire depts and TEAD. Justin feels that Tooele City will just be cancelled, and it will be a waste of time. Justin appreciates the help when he calls but feels it is unnecessary to have automatic aid.

2. The mapping portion needs to be re visited so response areas are completely understood.

3. The general understanding from the automatic aid meeting was that everyone is ok being cancelled

4. Regina will be invited to the next meeting to view the map and determine whose areas are whose.

b. Regional Fire School

i. The location for regional fire school needs to be determined. We need to have the south fire dept represented so the chiefs can discuss it at the next meeting. Two spots that have been suggested are the fire museum at Deseret Peak and Dugway.

ii. AVO pumper Class-workbooks can be purchased.

5. Bucky Whitehouse-EOC

a. 2018 SHSP Homeland Security Funds will be released at the end of Sept. Please use 2017 funds asap.

b. Response agreements are progressing for funding at the end of the year. Hazmat capabilities need to be increased.

i. Would agencies be willing to team up their hazmat techs for response in the county? Possibly a specialized CERT team? Please email lists of certified hazmat techs to Bucky. This is a needed capability.

c. The EOC is trying to get event organizers to let the county know about special events.

i. Sept 29-UTV ride from Deseret Peak to Ophir

ii. Sept 22&23 Nitro Circus

iii. Sept 29-Lantern Fest

d. The EOC will alertsense fire chiefs of incidents in progress so they can be on standby.

6. Roundtable

a. Cami Nelson-Wendover-They just had fire 2 testing. They have also been testing an app that is free. It is like active 911. If anyone is interested get in touch with Wendover. Federals will be coming to Wendover for a nuclear sweep Oct 1.

b. Gerry Neil-Terra Fire-Nothing

c. Justin Huffman-Stockton Fire-they have people taking classes.

i. TEAD-Fire prevention night Oct 4 5-8 PM. Everyone is invited to bring an apparatus. They would appreciate support. They would like to propose to hold chiefs meeting at the Eagles Nest. A vote was held. All in favor. A flyer will be sent out with more information.

d. Rick Harrison-Tooele City Fire-Asylum 49 will be open this year in the nursing home side. The hospital side will be closed.

e. Rob Critchlow/ Travis Daniels-Grantsville Fire-Thanks for all the help at Anderson Ranch fire.

i. Spillman will be billing for the touch program

ii. AVO training-agencies with participants will need to provide a truck if possible. Travis can email a schedule and syllabus out if you need. Sept 13 the class will start and go until Nov 3.

f. Cassandra Ray-NTFD-They have a fire engine bounce house that is available for use for fire prevention week. Please coordinate schedules so everyone has a chance to use it. Email Cassandra if you would like to use it.

g. Lloyd Evans-Fire Warden-if anyone would like the skills test they can come to individual stations and do that.

7. Next Meeting – Oct 4 that the Eagles Nest 7:00 PM

02, August 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 8-2-18

Attendees: Rob Critchlow, Gerry Neil, Kevin Bowman, Beckie Boekweg, Bucky Whitehouse, Rick
Harrison, Chris Shubert, Jed Colovich

1. Meeting called to order

a. Rob Critchlow called the meeting to order.

2. Roll call and approval of minutes

a.Gerry Neil made motion to approve meeting minutes from July meeting. Seconded by Rick Harrison. All in favor.

3. UFRA-Kevin Bowman

a. ADO Pumper class in Grantsville is ready to go. Start date is Sept 13th-Oct 27th. It will be held at the Fire Museum. There will be a support trailer.

b. Need to discuss Regional Fire School. Location? Classes? Tabled until next month.

4. TCEM-Bucky Whitehouse

a. Middle Canyon Fire

i. Thank you for the help with the Middle Canyon Fire. There will be a hot wash, everyone is invited. From the EOC perspective everything went as planned on that fire.

ii. When heavy equipment is requested the EOC will start with governmental agencies first then go to the private sector. Please request the EOC when you request the equipment. Anytime there is a road closure or evacuation please remember to request the EOC. The EOC can also provide you spot weather forecasts for your event.

iii. The EOC is in the process of updating inventory. We will b
e checking with each dept to see what your inventory is.

iv. Fire chiefs would like to be paged and notified of all active emergencies. EOC will use Alertsense to send out information regarding emergency.

b. Training Opportunities

i. PIO Course Aug 28-29 at the EOC.Register on UTRAIN.

ii. Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Course.


i. We will need to restructure the way SHSP grant funds are used. They are pushing to group the award into county projects. Expect 2019 Funds to be spent as a fire community.

d. There is a man in Ophir who is permitted to have 50 lbs of black powdered stored in a bunker in the mouth of an old mine. We are trying to coordinate a meeting with him to discuss his operation, so we can be prepared to respond.

e. Community Fit Tester

i. Have estimates from 2 companies. There is no preference on which machine to buy. Will cost $3000-$4000

f. Tooele County Dump

i. They have fire 30-40 feet underground. It needs to be an industrial operation driven response not a fire response.

g. Middle Canyon will likely re open Fri Aug 3rd.

5. Joe Carnell-EMS

a. Standby policy was sent out to all fire chiefs. Joe is concerned it is still open to interpretation. If Fire Chiefs feel that the wording fits their needs best, then Joe will not worry about changing it. Joe would like to see the roles better defined. Policy states if a firefighter is on air then an ambulance will be on scene the whole time. Another ambulance may need to be paged so one ambulance can stay on scene with fire.

i. Fire Chiefs in attendance today are fine with the EMS standby policy

b. Carfentanil Exposure Drill

i. MWMC will be holding a carfentanil exposure drill. The general concept will be typical 911 response. EMS exposed on scene. Hazmat response thru fire depton scene. If patient is transported, then fire dept will participate at hospital. Glenn feels like there is plenty of opportunity for training on medical side as well as interaction with EOC etc.

ii. MWMC looking to do a drill annually.

ii. Please reply to Glenn or Joe by Aug 8th to participate.

iv. Bucky would like to see a couple training opportunities on carfentanil before the drill.

6.Tooele City Fire-Rick Harrison

a. Nothing to report

7. Grantsville City Fire-Rob Critchlow

a. All brush trucks are up and running. Thanks for lending a truck to them.

b. They have the demolition derby on Sat Aug 4th.

c. Lantern Fest Sept 17th and the Nitro Circus at UMC.

8.Terra Fire-Gerry Neil

a. Picked up another truck. Hoping to give an old truck to Wendover with Sheriffs approval.

b. There is still the cedar mountain fire at 4900 acres. A type 3
team is working it now.

9. Dispatch-Rob Critchlow

a. Closest agency policy-if you have questions about why you didn’t get called to a scene
you need to contact Regina. There is a program that is supposed to help dispatch assign
the closest agency to respond.

i. This issue needs to be addressed before the next meeting.

30, May 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 5-30-18

Attendees:Chief Dan Andrus, Chief Kevin Russell, Lieutenant Lesko, Captain Carter, Chief Gerry Neal, Lloyd Evans, Fire Warden Dan Walton, Kevin Bowman, Chief Rick Harrison, Chief Randy Wilden, Asst. Chief Cassandra

1. Welcome and Introductions:

a. Chief Harrison asked the members present at the meeting went around
the table and introduced themselves and what agency they represented.

2. Minutes Approved:

a. Gerry Neil made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 3rd meeting seconded by Randy Wilden. Minutes were approved as read by majority vote of the members present.

3. Section Reports:

a. UFRA:

i. Kevin Bowman was contacted by Dugway Fire Department about hosting next years regional fire school on post at Dugway.

ii. UFRA would be in favor of having the training and would support it as needed. UFRA would like to know if the support was there before they would commit.

iii. Chief Landis from Dugway would like to get feedback from the county fire chiefs to see who would support having the training on the post.

iv. The members in attendance were in favor of having the training at Dugway, however didn’t want to commit until the members of the association who were not present had a chance to vote.

v. Dugway made a commitment to make the event happen if the support was there.

b. Fire Warden:

i. Dan presented a map for the fireworks restrictions throughout the county.

1. Map is supposed to be posted at every fire station and municipal building.

2. State Fire plan match is due to Dan by the end of the month.

ii. Dan passed out the wildland agreements to all participating agencies please have agreements signed and submitted back to Dan ASAP

iii. Dan will be holding the wildland refresher/training in June. There are 20 students planning to test.

1. A discussion of how the class is being taught occurred.

iv. Randy commented that he was discouraged with the IFSAC
portion of the final exam and would like to know who he could comment too.

v. Dan will consider what can be done to help North Tooele’s crews get certified

1. Dan gave an update on what work has been done to get the fire departments their connection to the Spillman Touch System.

a. The group commended Regina and her working group for their hard work on the project.

2. Dan passed his phone around with Spillman Touch so they could preview.

3. Dan mentioned that the final decision on moving forward will occur after the sheriff has the opportunity to show it to the LEEDS group.

4. Round table

a. Wendover City Fire Department

i. Wendover thanked representatives from the other departments for attending their open house.

ii. Wendover is experiencing problems with their responses toward Ibapah. It was their understanding that Ibapah didn’t want to respond to medical calls and crashes. Wendover is discussing with them the prospects of becoming an Auxiliary Unit to the Wendover City Department.

iii. Captain Carter asked Dan for assistance to approach the Sheriff about solving some of their problems they are experiencing when responding to Ibapah. Dan will contact the sheriff and attempt to setup a meeting where all interested parties could talk about the issues.

iv. Wendover is recruiting for interested firefighters who may want to come out to Wendover and be on the paid standby crew. They pay $40.00 for the member to be on call at or around the station. If a call comes in the member could get paid anywhere from $7-$26 per hour during the time they are on the call.

1. If you have interested members have them contact Captain Carter with Wendover City Fire Department.

v. Wendover currently has 12 participants signed up for the Mass Fatality training which is set to occur on June 26. They need at least 20 participants for the class to go and are encouraging others to sign-up.

b. Dugway Fire Department

i. Dugway hoste
d a Wildland Dozer driver course. The class was successful they created a 13-mile-long fire break around the dugway fence lines.

c. Rush Valley Fire Department

i. Nothing

d. North Tooele Fire Department

i. Chief Willden commented on the turn out for Leonard Tayon’s funeral in Grantsville on Tuesday. He thanked everyone who attended on behalf of Grantsville.

ii. Chief Willden discussed with Dan Walton the difficulties they were encountering with testing in the Wildland Certification System.

e. Tooele City Fire Department

i. Chief Harrison –Thanked the fire wardens for their assistance with the Camp Wapiti clean up project. The county is cutting a fire line around the area of Wapiti.

f. Emergency Management

i. Homeland Security Grant–Bucky informed the group that there were some additional monies received from the homeland security grant. He didn’t have details on how the additional funds were to be used at this time.

ii. Homeland Security Grant–Bucky commented on the purchasing/procedural changes that were coming with the new homeland security funding. When trying to receive approval on your potential purchase please make sure to consult with emergency management as some purchases are no longer allowed depending on the size and type of fire department you represent.

iii. AlertSense –The fire chiefs are now in an alertsense group. Beckie will start using the alertsense features to manage the association business.

iv. Radio Problems-Bucky brought up that he was aware of the radio problems many of the departments are experiencing. He, Andy and Dan are working with UCA to solve the problems as quickly as possible.

v. EOC Operations Room Training -Bucky mentioned that the EOC staff are getting closer to sponsoring a training for fire department staff to come to the EOC and get trained on how to operate from that desk.

v. EOC Fire EOP Plan–Its time again to promulgate the fire EOP plan for the county. Bucky will be sending out emails asking for you to look at and comment on any proposed changes to the plan.

g. Unfinished Business –

h. New Business-

i. Adjournment–

i. The next meeting will be held on July 12th at 7 PM at the EOC training room.

05, April 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 4-5-2018

Attendees: Jed Colovich, Chris Stewart, Rick Harrison, Bucky Whitehouse, Chris Correra, Cami Carter, Johny Lesko, Regina Nelson, Scott Pehrson, Gerry Neil, Neal Dymock, Justin Huffman, Kurt Nielsen, Ron D’Andrea, Russell Feala, Bradley Tippets, Travis Daniels, Rob Critchlow, Jason Smith, Randy Willden, Cassandra Ray, Beckie Boekweg

1. Approval of Minutes

a. Randy Willden made motion to approve. Seconded by Gerry Neil. All in favor.

2. Dispatch

a.  Regina Nelson

i.  Regina provided a quote and purchase addendum for Spillman Touch. If 5 agencies would like to go together it is much cheaper.

ii.  Regina has added more agencies to AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location). They can be seen on the map now.

iii. Lights and Sirens- An article was referenced about the use of lights and sirens. It is suggested that lights and sirens can be reduced on all Alpha and Bravo calls. A handout will be attached to the minutes.

iv. Dispatch is working with the GIS dept to find new construction and get it on the map.

v. Northern Utah Interagency Fire Center (NUIFC)- Dispatch does not need.

3. Fire Marshall’s Office

a. Kirk

i. Provided a handout to be reviewed by the group.

4. Fire Academy Report- UFRA

a. Randy Willden

i. Regional Fire School- A current roster was sent out electronically.

ii. The forcible entry class needs to have the hours adjusted. Please let Randy know if your people can adjust to the change.

iii. The Eagles Nest will not be able to support the Regional Fire School for food. In the future if we want to use the Eagles Nest we need to have a commitment from the students that they will eat at the Eagles Nest.

iv. Brad will provide an Engine and a Tender for the class.

v. Feala will have a dumpster there for the forcible entry class.

vi. Rick Harrison will provide cars for extrication.

vii. Bucky will provide water. NTFD will provide Gatorade. Bowman will provide a snack.


5. Emergency Management

a. Bucky

i. EOC is installing a new UPS.

ii. A list of Hazmat Response Entities was handed out. Please refer to this list for agencies you can call for hazmat response. EM is working on cost recovery for
hazmat spills. NTFD has one in place. We will circulate that again. We will look for consensus from this group on how to handle hazmat calls. Unified bomb squad has offered to do a refresher training. Bucky will set that up.

iii.SHSP- 2016 needs to be spent.

6. Old Business

a. PAPPS class going on in Grantsville. Contact Travis for info.

b. Fire 1 will be at Grantsville station on Friday. Tooele City Fire has lunch on Sat.

6. New Business

a. None

8. Roundtable

a. Randy Willden NTFD- Tooele County EMS committee has asked him to redraft EMS standby policy. If anyone would like to look at it contact Randy.

b. Cami Carter- Wendover Fire Dept- new chain of command in their fire dept. They have a hazmat class if you have anyone that needs it.

c. Ron D’Andrea-UTTR- Fire Officer 4 class- April 16th- 3 slots left. Make sure you have the pre-reqs. Thanks for the help on the rollover accident.

d. Brad Tippets- TEAD- if anyone has batteries for the Motorola radios he will take them. Wendover has a box they can have.

e. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville- Thanks for the help with Fire 1. Thanks for helping at the gun range fire. Lantern Fest is May 19th. This is the only scheduled event with that company. GFD will be doing a mock disaster on May 14th with the High School. Motorola will be here in May to present. Tyler Jensen will be the Motorola representative for all Tooele County agencies.

8. Adjorn

01, February 2018

Fire Chiefs Meeting 2-1-18

Attendees: Kevin Bowman, Kevin Russell, Randy Willden, Gerry Neil, Jason Smith, Travis Daniels, Jason Remick, Rob Critchlow, Dan Walton, Bucky Whitehouse, Rick Harrison, Beckie Boekweg

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Approval of minutes

a. Randy made motion to approve Nov meeting minutes. Seconded by Gerry Neil. All in favor.

3. UFRA-Regional Fire School

a. Grantsville-

i. Inspector 1 class refresher March 2-3. Please email names to Kevin.

ii. NTFD has guys that would like to take the class for refresher.

iii. Fire 1 & 2 is going well. April 21st Live fire initial attack. They have 21 guys for class. Kevin needs roster. He needs paperwork signed on live fire documents. All depts. are involved. A chief needs to sign the paper from each dept. Kevin has the course request. Prop will be set up at the museum. Travis needs to submit for the test request at 1:00. Training will be 8-12,

iv. Forcible Entry Class May 19th. Grantsville is cancelling.

b. URFA will run out of money for this fiscal year soon. They may need to reprioritize things. This is just until June 30th. July 1st,they will be on full budget again.

c. Regional Fire School-

i. Capt Feala is the POC at the depot. Everything is good out there.

ii. Tooele City will coordinate the cars.

iii. April 27-28 8:00-5:00 each day.

iv. Extrication is 1 car per 5 students. 4 cars each day minimum.

v. All instructors are in place for 27th and Kevin is working on the 28th.

vi. Forcible Entry is possible 48 students.

vii. Kevin will deal with Capt Feala for dumpsters and classrooms.

viii. CTC-was just out at TEAD a few months ago. The depot already had their students thru ops and tactics there. Kevin recommends their new program. Rural Incident Command. Designed for rural areas with limited resources. 4 hours classroom. 4 hours in CTC doing sets and reps. Half of group goes outside with engine to practice 1 min drills. 12 people in classroom.

ix. Randy Willden will take care of roster. They need to be to Kevin 30 days before class. Need commitments early.

x. Grantsville will push fire school thru I am responding. NTFD will post it to social media. Kevin will talk to his 5 people. URFA has it posted with dates.

xi. Kevin will bring snacks for rehab. Grantsville has bottled water. They will ask Walmart DC for rehab also. NTFD will bring water.

xii. Lunch will be provided at the Eagles Nest at participants expense.

4. Fire Marshal’s Office

5. Dan Walton Fire Warden

a. Basic Wildland will be this spring. Possible June 5th–8th. Test on June 23rd.

i. Handout attached

ii. It is state law that firefighters have basic wildland training.

b. Wildland Refresher-would like to consolidate the depts. to have the training.

i. May 16th at 7:30 at Deseret Peak Museum

c. Other available courses provided on handout

d. Chainsaw class 1st week of May in Draper, Lone Peak Conservation Center

e. If you have questions about fire policy schedule a meeting with Dan. It’s quite complex. Start working on your spreadsheet, it has to be turned into the state.

f. Dan has been working on buying some 6000-gal pumpkins. $3700 each. Talk to Dan if you want one, he will order in the next 2 weeks.

g. Dan and Gerry are working with ranchers to install fire hydrants in skull valley. Utah Underground can install as well as Broken Arrow.

h. Katie Gibble will be new urban interface coordinator.

6. Emergency Management-Bucky Whitehouse

a. LZ training information is available to you.

i. There has been some discussion about who is responsible for the landing zone. They would like to have some training. They would like to make a rule that law do the LZ if they are on scene and let fire and ems take care of patient.

ii. The Chiefs Association should come to a consensus and discuss with their Police Chief about their position on who will land the helicopter.

1. Beckie will email the contact info for both air medical transport companies.

b. SHSP Grant-Typed resource list not required anymore.

c. Dispatch recently purchased the AVL Locator. That gives them the capability to see your location and help guide units to incident locations.

i. Dan would be interested in participating. NTFD and Tooele City will also participate. Grantsville would need to get a puck. Life Flight and Airmed are participating.

ii. There is a onetime purchase of $100.

d. March 20-21 at the EOC –Special Event Public Safety Class

e. April 3-4 ICS 300 class at EOC. Register on UTRAIN

f. Met with UCA to address a problem from wildland perspective at UTTR. They need an additional tower in Bowline Canyon.

g. We have new RedCross Reps. Toni Weiss will come out in the future to talk to the group.

h. International Fire and Arson Investigators Conf in Wendover.

i. EMS Council is looking at a new program called Stop the Bleed. Promotes the use of tourniquets. They would like to do a train the trainer course out here.

7. Dispatch

a. Dispatch numbers-Rob has copies of what they have. Take a look at the list and see if there is any clean up.

i. The depts. have agreed that they will not be changing. Dugway will change.

1. Grantsville Fire will stay the same as they are now

2. North Tooele Fire will stay as it is.

3. Tooele City will stay the same as it is

4. Gerry Neil will stay the same way as it is

5. Kevin Russell will stay the same

ii. Unanimous vote to keep the call signs the same.

8. Old Business

a. Schedule First Net for presentation

9. New Business

10. Roundtable

a. Tooele City Fire-Rick Harrison

i. Feb 10th annual awards banquet. They will provide lunch for the class on the 24th. Travis will release Tooele City guys early on the 10th.

b. North Tooele Fire-Randy Willden

i. Cassandra has stepped down as operations asst chief. More to follow on that position.

ii. Thanks to Grantsville for the class.

iii. Lighting Vendors? VLS, Premier

iv. Tech Class-looks like hazmat training will be back to 120 hours curriculum.

v. Assistance to fire grant due Feb 2 at 3 PM

c. Rush Valley and Dugway-Kevin Russell

i. Fire Chiefs dinner has been paid for.

ii. Dugway has been getting a lot of new apparatus. They are receiving training.

iii. Starting construction of confined space facility. Everyone is welcome to utilize.

iv. Dozer training schedule for Dugway personnel.

d. Dan Walton-Fire Warden

i. Need roster for Basic Wildland as soon as possible

e. Travis Daniels-Grantsville Fire

i. Reminder test day May 5th, they will have a catered dinner.

ii. Travis needs a lot more assistance for classes. Please assign people from your dept who have knowledge to help with classes. He needs coverage on the 22&24 of Feb. Randy will do 22nd Jason will do 24th.

iii. NTFD has fire behavior on the 8th.

11. Adjourn