12, December 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 12-12-19
Attendees: Rob Critchlow, Jason Bolinder, Joseph Mannino, Mike Cheatham, Neal Dymock, Kevin Caudill, Randy Willden, Jed Colovich, Kip Childs, Chris Shubert, Justin Huffman, Beckie Boekweg, Gerry Neil
1. Meeting Called to Order
a. Rob called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
2. Approval of Nov meeting minutes.
a. Randy Willden Made motion to approve Nov meeting minutes. Seconded by Neal Dymock. All in favor.
3. Old Business:
a. Terra is sending their people to fire 1 in Dugway.
b. Rob provided a handout for all those participating in Fire 1 in Grantsville. They have approx. 18 participants. It will be held at the Fire Museum.
4. Bucky- EOC
a. Homeland Security
i. Vernon Fire Dept has a disallowed reimbursement in 2015 SHSP. Please follow grant specifications in all grant purchases.
ii. This program has become very strict for allowable expenses. Please follow the AEL and provide AEL numbers in reimbursement requests.
iii. A project based approach will be implemented for the 2019 funds.
iv. Cyber Security Survey must be completed by Dec 31st 2019.
v. Please spend 2018 funds by March 2020.
b. Special Operations Hazmat Grant
i. Year end special operations allocations have been processed. The checks will be ready by the end of the month. Please come to the EOC to pick them up.
ii. You must meet certain requirements to achieve levels.
iii. The County is requiring depts to provide and keep records of certified technicians and qualifications. The EOC will be collecting that information once a year. Please submit that signed information by Feb 2020 to the EOC.
c. Hazmat
i. PEAC software-
1. It allows EM to pull all electronic tier ll data and put it in the program where you will have specific information for your facilities and response. This is a resource we would like to make available if it will be used. It is an app and can be used on site. EM feels it would improve hazmat capability. Bucky will send out information on PEAC for your review.
2. EM needs to assemble hazmat inventory. Please bring your inventory list to the Feb meeting.
3. Rob suggested pooling all Homeland Security funds and doing hazmat project based purchasing such as equipment.
4. A county hazmat team would all respond to calls and make all equipment available to all. The County needs people to fill leadership roles and serve as a council or committee and get a team started.
5. The EOC has hazmat equipment at the shop and will be made available to depts to take what they need.
6. The EOC is available to meet at 6 PM prior to the Fire Chiefs Meeting for Hazmat discussion. An email reminder will be sent out.
7. Energy Solutions and Clean Harbors would be good partners for Hazmat.
d. NMAS Inventory System
i. The State is moving to the NMAS Inventory system. You will be given a log in and required to maintain your inventory lists.
ii. You need to be compliant with this system for EMAC.
5. New Business
a. Joe Mannino- Air machine will be kept in Vernon. They are looking to have repairs done. Superior will be taking care of that.
6. Roundtable
a. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire- If instructors are needed contact Justin. Stockton City held first Christmas Tree Light Parade. Justin was re-elected for another 2 year term. Amy Lymon will be a captain. Thatcher will remain assistant.
b. Chris Shubert- Tooele City Fire-Kip Childs will be new asst fire chief Jan 1 2020.
c. Randy Willden- NTFD- Thanks for Grantsville and Tooele for covering for them for their recognition dinner. In Feb Randy and a member of his board will be getting with the chiefs to renew automatic aid agreements. Randy is concerned about current curriculum not being taught at current standard. Need to be in the 6th edition at this point.
d. Kevin Caudill- UTTR- Mutual Aid agreements are in for legal review now.
e. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville- Please teach current curriculum. Thank you for all the help.
f. Joe Mannino- Vernon- They got a new engine. Thanks to Rush Valley for helping with an engine trade. They are trying to get new packs soon. Mike Cheatham is the new assistant chief.
7. 202 Fire Chiefs Association Elections
a. Justin is elected by acclimation for Treasurer.
b. 2nd Vice will be vacant.
c. 1st Vice- Chris Schubert is elected by acclimation.
d. Pres- Jason Bolinder is elected by acclimation.
e. All motions made and seconded. All in favor.
f. Elections closed.
8. Communications
a. Andy is aware and working on problems with static at Blackcrook and South Mtn for Rush Valley.
9. Holiday Dinner
a. Will be held Jan 9th at 7 PM at the EOC. RSVP by Dec 30th.
10. Please pay dues.
11. Meeting Adjourned
07, November 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 11-7-17
Kenneth McArthur, Raleigh Bunch, Dan Walton, Gerry Neil, Kirk Arnold, Rob Critchlow, Steve Griffith, Justin Huffman, Bucky Whitehouse, Beckie Boekweg, Jason Bolinder
1. Meeting Called to Order by Rob Critchlow at 7:00
2. Approval of Oct Meeting Minutes
a. Gerry Neil Made motion to approve the Oct minutes. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.
3. UFRA- Raleigh Bunch
a. Winter Fire School
i. Registration is now Dec 3rd.
ii. There is a chief’s roundtable on Thur. Jan 23rd 5:00 before Winter Fire School. Raleigh would like someone to come and represent Tooele County.
b. Fire Officer 1 is getting a brand-new manual.
c. The chiefs have ordered a number 7 manual and need to know if URFA is ready to test on 7? They are testing on the 2nd of May. They will need to borrow number 6 books if 7 isn’t ready.
d. They are looking to hire certification testers. If you are interested check their website or let Raleigh know.
e. Regional Fire School
i. It will be held quarterly.
ii. Rob proposed night burn April 17th and the fast attack on April 18th. 20-22 students for night burn.
4. EOC- Bucky Whitehouse
a. Homeland Security Grant
i. 2019 Funding is approved. Please spend 2018 money before you spend 2019.
ii. 2020 is going to be project based. There will be 2-3 different types of projects to choose from. The restrictions will be much tighter. FEMA is pushing the development of capabilities. We need to start looking at priorities. It needs to have a nexus to terrorism/hazmat.
1. Hazmat is a priority in this county.
iii. Cybersecurity Survey must be completed by every jurisdiction.
b. Special Operations Grant
i. The grant is under scrutiny currently. For this year and going forward Stockton will be eligible for the higher funding.
ii. Is a Special Operations Team something the association would consider? Justin feels there should be a county hazmat team. There needs to be a team lead to manage the team. One team would respond to hazmat calls with a trailer. The larger depts would have to come together to form it.
1. Would like to ask the county for some discretionary funds to get the group off the ground.
2. Need to form a committee. Clean Harbors and Energy Solutions have hazmat specialists
3. Biggest concerns are proper PPE, no training, no funding
4. Homeland Security funds could be dedicated towards county hazmat team.
5. Municipalities need to be reminded that this special operations grant funding is specifically set aside to fund hazmat operations.
6. ESF 10 meeting held 6:00 PM every 1st Thur. of the month before chiefs meeting.
c. Radios
i. Andy sent out a letter that you need to prepare for a flash for XTL radios. If you need a flash, we need to know by the end of this year. The flash could be $200$800. Bucky would encourage everyone to purchase new radios. There still isn’t a firm date for the system to be ready.
d. PEAC Software
i. This program is a threat assessment program. Tier ll data can be fed into the system and you will get immediate results of the facility you are responding to. It is a very robust program with a transportation component.
1. The chiefs would like to see the program.
e. NIMS Training
i. ICS 300 in Jan and ICS 400 in Feb. There will be a G290 Basic PIO class in March.
f. EMAC Request
i. The state had been requested to put together a strike team for California.
ii. Bucky feels as a county that we need to have a plan how to handle EMAC requests.
1. Dan commented that he thinks our county should start participating in out of county assignments within the state. He doesn’t feel we are ready to go out of state.
iii. Bucky asked Unified to come and present to the chiefs how to prepare for a deployment and meet minimum requirements.
5. Old Business
a. Fire 1 will be held at the Fire Museum.
i. Vote was held to keep it at the Fire Museum. All in favor.
6. Elections
a. The election will be held in December.
b. The positions are for 2 years.
c. Jason Bolinder has been nominated for President.
d. Chris Schubert has been nominated for 1st Vice.
e. No new nominations for 1st vice. Closed
f. 2nd Vice will be left vacant.
g. Justin Huffman has been nominated for Treasurer.
7. Dinner
a. $10-12 per person dinner budget
8. Roundtable
a. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
i. Vernon has SCBA machine. They asked for $1500 to put it in service and move it to Rush Valley. Dan will arrange that.
ii. Everyone that had a State MOU you should have received a cancellation letter. They are revising them. Current MOUs are active until Dec.
iii. Dan has a draft D Wildland fire agreement. Tooele county is absent of any MOU for wildland fire protection. Dan has it ready to go, please take a look at it.
iv. Fire District feasibility study had a slight delay. Dan has acquired the additional bids, they are ready to go. There should be a kick off meeting the first week of Dec. All areas will be looked at excluding Tooele City and Grantsville.
v. Dan needs to come around to everyone who has a kenwood radio, he has a flash for them. He will provide another training associated with that.
vi. S131 Crosswalk next week at the Army Depot. He has room for more students. There are pre reqs required.
vii. There are 2 wildland trainings in Draper next week 14 & 15th for free. See Dan if you are interested.
viii. The State hired a new Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator. Dax Reid 801-6781655 Daxreid@utah.gov
b. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville
i. They held a fundraiser that did well.
c. Steve Griffith-TEAD
i. They have 2 jobs available. Have your referral reach out to Steve.
9. Meeting Adjourned
03, October 2019
Tooele County Fire Chiefs Meeting 10-3-19
Attendees:Attendees: Justin Huffman, Rob Critchlow, Neal Dymock, Gerry Neil, Kevin Russell, Dave Kallman, Randy Willden, Jason Bolinder, Beckie Boekweg
1. Call to Order
a. Meeting called to order 7:02 by Rob
b. Minutes- Gerry made motion to approve meeting minutes. Neil seconded. All in favor.
2. New Business
a. Regional fire school- still on the table
b. Randy has a class coming up. Talk to Raleigh about other class needs
c. Winter fire school registration is Nov 15th
d. UFRA looking for certification testers apply on UFRA website
e. Travis needs a full head count on Fire 1
f. Rob reminded everyone they need more buy in from everyone to put these classes on.
g. Travis will be emailing out a schedule/syllabus for Fire 1. NTFD, Grantsville, Stockton and Tooele City will all take a week to teach the Fire 1 class.
h. Fire 1 will be held at the Fire Museum
3. Old Business
a. Randy going back to TEEX in Texas for Haz- Mat IC course. They will be adjusting the pre requisites for the hazmat course.
b. Dan Walton will be doing the crosswalk training and engine boss training. Will be held at the Eagles nest or the EOC. They need a commitment from departments. 2 day training.
c. Feasibility study needs 3 quotes. Its in the que at the county. Randy feels it should be sole source especially if 3 quotes haven’t been obtained. The county will put forth at least half the money for the study.
4. Nominations
a. The association will stay with the election process
b. Rob opened nominations for the upcoming 2020 Fire Chiefs Association
c. Dan Walton made motion to nominate Joe Mannino for President
d. Kevin Russell make motion to nominate Jason Bolinder for President
e. Gerry Neil made motion to nominate Chris Shubert for 1st Vice Pres
f. Kevin Russell nominated Gerry Neil for 2nd Vice Pres
g. Randy Willden made motion to nominate Justin Huffman for Treasurer
h. Motion made to close nominations for 2020 election process
5. Roundtable
a. Justin Huffman- Stockton- They will be doing the control burn tomorrow with Dan. There will be many agencies involved.
b. TEAD- no business
c. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville Fire- Oct 26th will be holding a benefit dinner and raffle. Richard Broadbent needs a kidney. He needs to fundraise $15000.00. They will be doing a drawing for a raffle to help him that night. Donations are being accepted as well. Please share with your departments.
d. Beckie Boekweg- EOC- SHSP 2019 Articles of Agreement are due as well as a cybersecurity survey by Dec 31st. A link will be sent out to take the survey. Please spend and submit for the 2018 grant by the end of the year.
e. Jason Bolinder- Rush Valley Fire- They are participating in the control burn tomorrow with Dan. Kevin has been working on their brush truck.
f. Gerry Neil- Terra- Getting ready for the control burn with Dan.
g. Dugway- no business
h. David Kallman-UTTR- control burn Oct 8-12.
i. Randy Willden- NTFD- ADO class- register with Randy. NTFD received a delivery of 3 hazmat suits. If anyone is looking for them see Randy. One suit protection is the company. Joanne LeClaire has been hired at NTFD as an engineer full time.
j. Justin Huffman- Treasurer- $25 in savings account. $3722.53 in checking. Beckie is paid to the end of the year. Justin set the account up for online banking.
Next meeting will be held Nov 7th at 7 PM at the EOC.
05, September 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 9-5-19
Attendees: Bucky Whitehouse, Raliegh Bunch, Gerry Neil, Kevin Russell, Neal Dymock, Jason Bolinder, Dan Walton, Regina Nelson, Rick Harrison, Joseph Mannino, Justin Huffman, Terance Sylvester, Beckie Boekweg
1. Call to Order
2. August meeting minutes are not complete and will be finalized by Oct meeting.
a. Gerry Neil made motion to accept August meeting minutes. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.
3. Meeting called to order by Rick Harrison at 19:02
a. Please excuse North Tooele and Grantsville Fire.
4. UFRA- Raleigh Bunch
a. In previous meetings the association opted for quarterly training. He can still coordinate all that for you.
b. Winter Fire School Jan 24-25th, 2020. Registration begins Nov 1st at 8 AM.
c. Officer Developmental program- working on fire officer 1, 2, 3 & 4. It will be separate classes.
d. The books provided are a gift from UFRA Fire Academy. It is full of contact information and certification office contact info. It also has all course descriptions. The last page is wildland card process.
e. If you have any pictures of the fires you’ve been working send them to Raleigh for Straight Tip.
5. Regina- Dispatch
a. Priority 1&2- #13 in June 6th meeting minutes
i. All fires start out at priority 7. Once dispatch adds enough information to ProQA it will tell them when to send and most calls end up being a 1 or 2. Dispatch starts with the jurisdictional agency and then follows with closest agency.
ii. Rick Harrison added that with backyard fires, NTFD is getting called to assist. He feels its overkill and if they don’t mind getting called off then it can stay as it is.
iii. Regina- Dispatch is not the decision maker. The policy may need to be reviewed.
iv. Joe Mannino- He feels like it is smarter to look at the situation before calling off.
v. Dan Walton- Feels the policy is working really well. If Tooele City is needing assistance, then they can request that. They are able to respond quickly and can tell dispatch if they need help.
vi. Regina- All agencies will remain the same on policy except Tooele City and they will request assistance. Regina will write something up and run it in draft form to be studied.
vii. Justin asked if there is anything for closest unit for EMS calls? Regina said there are EMS boundaries. Justin said there is something about the way the cell phone tower plots the calls. Dispatch will have quickest route and recommended units. They are doing a huge update in Spillman this fall. There could be a “fake station” created in South Rim that might get it dispatched differently. Conversation will resume next meeting when Randy can participate.
b. Alertsense and Hiplink- June 6th meeting minutes
i. Hiplink is integrated into CAD system. EOC had Emergin, it was an old program and needed to be replaced. Hiplink works well for dispatch and Alertsense works well for EOC. County paid for 400 Hiplink licenses in 2010 and other agencies such as EOC and Dugway have purchased more.The Dispatch budget pays the annual maintenance for Hiplink. After initial purchase of the licenses for Hiplink, both systems are provided complimentary of the County.
ii. Dan feels Alertsense is a great communication tool. He recommends looking into Alertsense training to understand the capabilities.
iii. Bucky is wondering about the integration of active 911 and Hiplink. Regina feels someone at active 911 could filter the calls. Wondering if a chief’s group could be set up? Instead of DISP or ASSGN, Dispatch could make FC201 ENRT. If ENRT is used, there would not be a Hiplink sent and the problem can be solved. She will let Dispatch know.
c. EMS Council
i. Regina is a member of the council. They are asking for an incident review group looking to give some recognition to responders. The group would be heavily involved in reviewing and writing award nominations. They need 5 reps, one will be a fire representative as well as other positions. It will be a 5-member working group. If you have someone in your agency that would be good participant, please recommend. Kevin Russell will fill the fire position for the group.
d. Fire Units are not clearing from calls after return
i. Dispatch needs all fire agencies to clear the call after announcing they are returning from the call. Dispatch is using RETRN to the station. When you get to the station let Dispatch know so they can clear you and close out the call.
6. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
a. Training
i. Crosswalk Wildland Program- this makes it easy to get firefighter 1 & 2 if your structure 2 certified. Dan can teach the classroom portion in 1 day. Make a proposal about dates and times for the class and Dan will try and accommodate you. Velasko has requested the class and it can be held at the Eagles Nest. It will be 8-hour classroom and 8-hour field.
ii. UFRA posted their wildland NWCG schedule. If you register early you have a better chance of getting on the role. Dan will pay for these classes, you can send the invoices to him. Google UFRA NWCG.
b. Mutual Aid Agreements
i. The original agreements were signed in 1990. An agreement Bucky worked on in 2013 cancelled those agreements and specifically exclude wildland fire. Dan is working on an addendum to those agreements to ensure wildland fire response is covered. The wildland reimbursement policy is working well for now. Talk to him if you’d like to see the working drafts.
ii. FEPP are going well. He has acquired a semi-truck from Vernon and has it fixed back up. Looking to place the semi-truck. Possibly to Terra. He has a 5 ton from north Tooele and a 5 ton from Ibapah he is working on. He plans to complete 23 trucks in the next month or two.
c. Participation Commitments
i. They were due July 1st. Reminder to get them turned in. The new rule requires extra documentation.
d. Fire District Feasibility Study
i. Dan sent out an announcement requesting a donation to show that your dept wants to be included in the feasibility study. He has only received a donation from Rush Valley. Dan needs the decision by the end of September. The goal of the study is to gain good information.
7. Rick Harrison- Tooele City- not much to report. Glad to have dispatch come to meeting for discussion. Tooele City Open house on Oct 12th.
8. Joe Mannino- Vernon- Does an agency budget increase with the certifications you have for Hazmat response. This agreement is going to change. If you have at least 2 special ops trained it may increase your budget. It has to be tech and above.
9. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire and TEAD- Stockton has 5 techs now and would like to know the criteria for having a budget increase from the County for Hazmat response. Bucky feels the best option is to have a working group put together a proposal. Regarding the feasibility study- Justin isn’t sure where Stockton stands on the study. They need to meet and discuss their position. Dan will plan to attend the next town council meeting in Stockton. TEAD- they would like to host chiefs meeting in Oct at the Eagles Nest during the family fire prevention night. Stockton Fire- they are doing a ton of lot assessments in South Rim. Amy has almost exclusively done all the lot assessments. Its looking like they would like to have a chipper day and have some hand crews help with trees. They can work on liability waivers over the winter. With the data from the assessments Dan can go into a property and have all the information he needs. All the hours spent count towards their agency participation commitment.
10. Bucky Whitehouse- EOC- He was going to talk about the hazmat agreement. He will carry the message forward. EOC is not having an open house this year. It is a social media campaign instead during the month of Sept.
11. Terance Sylvester- Wendover- They are doing a lot of training.
12. Kevin Russell- Dugway & Rush Valley- Dugway getting up to full staff again. Rush Valley they appreciate the truck. Kevin will retire as Chief of Rush Valley as of Sept 30th. The town will vote on the new chief. The association will need a new treasurer. Justin will be taking over the position until elections at the end of the year.
13. Adjourn- The next meeting will be held Oct 3rd at 7 PM at the Eagles Nest.
11, July 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 7-11-19
Attendees: Eric Grange, Craig Tate, Brad Tippetts, Rob Critchlow, Jason Smith, Joe Carnell, Katie Gibble, Justin Huffman, Beckie Boekweg, Rick Harrison, Bucky Whitehouse, Chris Shubert
Excused: Randy Willden
1. Rob Critchlow called the meeting to order at 7PM.
2. Approval of June meeting minutes.
a. Justin Huffman made motion to approve June 2019 meeting minutes. Seconded Craig Tate. All in favor.
3. Randy Willden asked for mention of the Live Burn next Saturday in Stansbury. Please contact Chief Willden for information.
4. Tooele City Fire 100 year celebration on Sat July 13th at 11:00 at Tooele City Fire Station.
5. Rob Critchlow
a. UFRA training-
i. Quarterly training instead of yearly regional training proposed.
1. Rod Hammer water shuttle training would be awesome.
2. Rob would like to see everyone together getting training.
3. The Fire Museum would be a great space to hold it.
6. Old Business
a. None
7. Katie Gibble
a. CWPP’s are due at the end of the month. Grantsville and Tooele need to turn theirs in. Katie is willing to sit with each dept and help them.
b. Participation Commitments
i. Dan passed out forms. If you need one see Dan.
c. Letter was passed out for Town Councils.
8. Joe Carnell- MW Ambulance
a. EMS Council
i. State Health Dept sent a rep out to evaluate their system. Checking interagency relationships. They don’t have an official resolution process. They would like to be inclusive of law, fire and ems. They would like to have a staff member for each discipline represent for a peer review group.
1. Chief Tate would like to see resolution start at the lowest level and then escalate from there if need be. Give Fire chiefs and EMS chair etc the opportunity to resolve it first. It would be best to keep it at the county level first.
2. Joe considers this conflict resolution not a disciplinary action. Overall the system works well. Joe will let the EMS council know.
ii. Glenn Reinicke is the Hospital Emergency Manager. He is the resource at the hospital for your needs. He can be reached at glenn_reinicke@quorumhealth.com
iii. If your dept is the first to administer care to a patient, you need to be prepared to give all patient information as far as initial patient contact time etc.
9. Emergency Management
a. Homeland Security 2018- please complete your purchases by the end of the year.
10. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire
a. Propane Emergencies Training by Utah State Propane Association July 22nd at the Fire Museum at 6:00 PM.
b. They have 2 people going to Alabama Fire College.
c. Rush Valley just got their first 3 red cards in dept history.
11. Eric Grange- Clean Harbors
a. Their facility can take on counter measure flares. They have developed 3 magazines for storage of flares if necessary. It will be a couple weeks before they have them start coming in. They will be getting just the grains from the counter measures. They will receive 1 load per week for 2-3 months. They are hoping not to store it at all.
b. Eric has questions on agreements. He would like to understand their role better. He would like to review their MOU’s. Eric will follow up with Regina and Bucky about this.
12. Brad Tippetts- TEAD
a. They have been hiring and have 2 new people. They will be reposting this job and hoping for 2 more people. Brad put together a paper on tips to getting hired at TEAD in hopes to get some local people. They expect to hire 3-4 more people by next year.
13. Rick Harrison- Tooele City Fire
a. Questioning the call out agreement. Other depts also had a problem with it and talked to dispatch and they said they were following procedure.
i. Priority 1 & 2 fires should qualify for closest agency plus jurisdiction.
ii. Rick will make a suggestion to invite Regina to the next meeting to get some clarification.
b. 100 Year Celebration starts at 11 at fire station 1. Everyone is welcome.
14. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville Fire
a. Country Fan Fest is July 25-28
b. Demolition Derby is 2 nights this year.
c. Thanks to Emergency Management for the Alertsense notification on the I80 fire.
15. Bucky Whitehouse- Emergency Management
a. Alertsense- This mass notification system is free to county partners. There are trainings held every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10AM at the EOC.
i. The fire depts are able to use the internal side of notification system.
b. Dan is working with others trying to create a weed abatement ordinance. Would like to see consistency throughout the county. The next meeting will be held July 18th at 11 AM at the EOC.
6, June 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 6-6-19
Attendees: Gerry Neil, Dan Walton, Rob Critchlow, Ken McArthur, Justin Huffman, Steve Griffith, Craig Tate, Randy Willden, Jason Bolinder, Raleigh Bunch, Eric Grange, Beckie Boekweg
1. Call to Order
a. Rob called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of May meeting minutes
a. Gerry Neil made motion to approve. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.
3. UFRA Raleigh Bunch
a. Review of Regional Fire School
i. Grantsville would really like more hands-on training.
ii. Training for 2020:
1. Ventilation
2. Extrication
3. Forcible Entry
4. Flash Over
5. CTC class as a rural command class should be a step program
iii. Participation is lacking and needs to be increased.
1. Raleigh has found that when there are too many classes it thins out the student ratio. It would be better kept to 3-4 classes.
2. Randy feels that participation needs to be bolstered. Classes will continue to be cut until the numbers come up.
3. Raleigh proposed quarterly training with one topic each time. There is a menu type of fundamental training where you can do classes that fit into your firefighter 1 & 2.
a. The association would like to try quarterly training with Raleigh helping to organize that.
i. Raleigh can run this schedule out for 2 years and have a 2 yr plan for training.
1. Travis Daniels will get in touch with Raleigh to set up the training with Firefighter 1 beginning Jan 2020. (Fire attack, forcible entry and extrication)
4. Randy Willden
a. Emergency Response Notifications
i. Would like to see a unification of notification systems that fit everyone’s needs.
1. Alertsense is provided by the County at their expense. Alertsense training is available the 3rd Thur of every month. Next class is June 20th at 10 AM.
5. Beckie Boekweg- Emergency Management
a. 2018 SHSP please spend by the end of 2019
6. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
a. Feasibility Study
i. He received a quote for a feasibility study. It would be $600 for the association to get the study going.
1. Randy Willden made a motion to take $600 from the chief’s association to pay for the feasibility study. Seconded by Justin Huffman. All in favor.
b. Annual summary and CWPP are due. See Dan for help with this.
c. Dan has a wood chipper and anyone can use it.
d. Dan has fire prevention signs available to all.
e. Dan can do vehicle safety inspections for apparatus.
f. Dan needs dates for red cards- when they were issued from all depts.
g. Response Zones
i. Zones were never adjusted last year. Please look over the response zones.
7. Old Business
a. None
8. Roundtable
a. Gerry Neil- Terra Fire
i. He has 17 people in his dept now. They are getting their red cards.
b. Eric Grange- Clean Harbors
i. They have been rolling out fire 1 in manageable chunks and hitting skills every month. They have 40 guys to receive training. Eric will reach out to Raleigh.
c. Jason Bolinder- Rush Valley Fire
i. They are working on numbers for their dept and have issued 2 red cards.
d. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville Fire
i. Lantern Fest went well.
ii. County Fair will be first weekend in Aug.
iii. Country Fan Fest will be July 24-28
e. Randy Willden- NTFD
i. They had a small adjustment in their response boundaries with Terra.
f. Craig Tate- TEAD
i. They appreciate the involvement with the call outs.
g. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire
i. They are please with how the south end of the valley is running. Vernon has really stepped up to the plate. Rush Valley has been great with their ambulance.
h. Raleigh Bunch- UFRA
i. They are already working on Regional Fire schools for next year.
9. Next Meeting will be July 11th at 7:00 PM at the EOC.
02,May 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 5-2-19
Attendees: Gerry Neil, Dan Walton, Justin Huffman, Rob Critchlow, Travis Daniels, Jason Bolinder, Beckie Boekweg
Excused: Randy Willden, Bucky Whitehouse
1. Meeting called to order
a. Rob Critchlow called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of April meeting minutes
a. Gerry Neil made motion to approve. Seconded by Travis Daniels. All in favor.
3. Justin Huffman TEAD and Stockton Fire
a. Regional Fire School
i. Low turnout this year. Need to re-evaluate for next year with new UFRA rep.
ii. New UFRA rep is Raleigh Bunch.
iii. A different time of year may work better. Possibly the second weekend in May.
iv. Props for 2020:
1. Ventilation
2. Forcible Entry
3. Flash Over
4. Extrication
5. Fast Attack also (coordinate the fire 1 and 2 so that the trailer can be used then also.
v. Different location would be better. Something more central.
1. Possibly the Fire Museum.
vi. Please go back to your departments and figure out what props you will want for next year. Report next month.
4. Dan Walton Fire Warden
a. Ken McArthur will be new asst fire warden. He will start on Monday May 6th.
b. Thanks for the attendance at the refresher course. Only half the turn out as last year.
c. S131- is there any interest? Let Dan know.
d. Chainsaw tips and tricks at Dugway next week.
e. Dan has a 300-acre pile burn May 3rd at Vernon. They will pay help.
f. The county wants money from outside agencies to show support ($1000 from Chiefs Association) for feasibility study for the fire district. Need to check with Kevin Russell Treasurer.
g. Pancake breakfast in Vernon May 11th 9 AM. Equipment display and raffle.
h. Supply order will be here next week. Dan will deliver to you.
5. Roundtable
a. Justin Huffman- He has extra PPE. See him to check inventory. Stockton Wildfire Preparedness BBQ on Sat May 4th.
b. Gerry Neil- Has brought on new people. He is at a staff of 17 now.
c. Rob Critchlow- They will be doing a fire 1 in Grantsville but they are changing it up. They will organize the class into weeks with each dept taking a week of class instruction. Travis will coordinate the class and put together the syllabus. Travis wants all hazmat awareness completed before the class. CPR card completed as well. Travis will try and schedule it at the fire museum.
i. Night Light Event 17 & 18 of May. The 17th is a private event with a launch. 18th is capped at 12,000 people.
ii. Nitro Circus will be Aug 17th at UMC.
iii. Rob will reach out thru Alertsense for help with events.
iv.There will be another event at Seabase later in the year.
d. Travis Daniels- There is a firefighter’s event in SLC. Do the other depts get called out as “Grantsville first responders”. He would like to talk to Regina about removing the first responders from the page.
6. Next Meeting June 6th 7:00 PM at the EOC.
4, April 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 4-4-19
Attendees: Gerry Neil, Cami Carter, Johny Lesko, Dan Walton, Ron D’Andrea, Travis Daniels, Jason Bolinder, Kevin Russell, Justin Huffman, Ken Pratt, Kevin Bowman, Randy Willden, Regina Nelson, Rick Harrison, Jed Colovich, Beckie Boekweg
1. Rick Harrison called the meeting to order at 6:59.
2. Approval of March meeting minutes
a. Travis Daniels made motion to approve. Seconded by Gerry Neil. All in favor.
3. John Bradley with Hiplink gave presentation on Hiplink Mobile New Interface.
4. Kevin Bowman- UFRA
a. Regional Fire School
i. Flashover will be Sat 8-12 and 1-5. Any additional people to the Sat morning class would be helpful.
1. Justin Huffman will get 24 pallets.
ii. Kevin will work with Capt Velasko for set up at TEAD.
iii. Kevin needs the Live Fire Doc signed by the Chiefs.
iv. Kevin will send docs to Beckie to send out to the Chiefs. Chiefs will need to return the docs to Kevin before Fire School.
v. Justin will work on getting an engine at Army Depot. Randy will provide one if TEAD cannot. Wendover also has an extra engine.
vi. Justin needs to find a dumpster and prepare it for the burn.
vii. CTC classroom portion will be Friday night from 6-10. CTC on Sat will need an engine. Justin will try and provide the engine for Sat CTC, Randy can provide one if needs be. Please confirm with Kevin.
viii. Basic Fire Investigation Class will be morning and afternoon.
ix. Randy will send an invite out to a list of food trucks and see if they can get a couple trucks to come. If no trucks food will be on your own.
x. Kevin will provide snacks. TEAD will provide coffee. Bucky will provide drinks.
b. UFRA is having some changes. Kevin has a new assignment in Southern Utah. He will no longer be assigned to Northern Utah. Kevin will still be here for Regional Fire School.
5. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
a. 130/190 class in Grantsville. If you have anyone you want to send he can do that. Training is going well.
b. There are 2 refreshers at TEAD next week and then an additional one at the Fire Museum 4-24-19 7 PM.
c. Wildland Engine Training for Bear River May 31 and June1. 2 day simulated fire. Great opportunity for Engine Boss training.
d. Stockton is doing a preparedness day. They have a great flyer going around.
e. MOU’s have been passed out.
f. Possible changes to County System
i. The county wants to provide better support to our departments. This is the time to give opinions on some suggested changes.
1. Fire District option
2. MOU option
3. Reimbursement system for structure and ems calls
4. Status Quo
a. Kevin Russell feels reimbursement is the only option financially. The fire district has been attempted 2-3 times and it always gets rejected. None of the Mayors vote for it. Dan asked if a feasibility study has been done. The county would pay for that study. Randy feels that the study should be done. Justin said Stockton and South Rim would like to do their own fire district. That would allow them to tax the people they provide services to. Justin feels the best path for them is a fire district. The commissioners seem to be on board with the idea.
b. Dan would like to do a feasibility study with 3 options. It will be a long-term process. Randy still feels a study is necessary to make sure you will have the funds to cover the department. The South end of the County needs to take control of their destiny. Justin agrees there is no way to move forward without a study. Dan would like to see Ibapah benefit from the changes. Justin feels the hardest portion is keeping volunteers, there isn’t enough money to keep the depts staffed. Randy feels there is a missed opportunity for Stockton to collect impact fees on South Rim and they need to get ahead of the game now. They are taking the 1st attempt to combine their communities and hold the preparedness day. Kevin agrees to hold the study and see what happens. Justin feels South Rim doesn’t want to become part of Stockton, the Mayor would welcome it. 10 of the 11 volunteers live in South Rim.
c. Dan commented that depending on the results of the study the south depts could choose to opt in to the district or stay on their own. Randy noted that a south end district would have a commissioner on it, mayors and a citizen at large. Randy had to form a local board. North Tooele Fire District runs differently.
d. Justin Huffman made a motion to approve a feasibility study. Seconded by Gerry Neil. All in favor.
5. Fireworks
a. Fire discharge maps are due by May 1st. Stockton and Rush Valley have declared there will be no fireworks allowed. Mayors will sign for that. TCFD will only allow one park to discharge
fireworks. They will be banned at Elton Park. The city will barricade it off. Grantsville will be making a small change.
6. Dan is planning mitigation work for the County.
a. He is providing dumpster to some communities.
b. The goal is for urban interface.
c. The project reimbursement has a line item for planning. You can make money for your dept by making a plan.
7. Dan has 2 burn plans approved from the state office. He will invite south area. It all hinges on getting a type 2 boss.
8. Chipper Days is on for May 14-16th. Randy is making plans for routes and advertising on social media.
9. May 18th is Camp Wapiti clean-up day. TCFD would like the chipper for that.
10. April 8th Kenwood Radio training at the Vernon Station 7 PM
6. EOC
i. 2019 SHSP Grant Application needs to be turned in to bboekweg@tcem.org by April 13th.
ii. Please turn in your Hazmat inventory
7. Roundtable
a. Randy Willden-
i. Is working with the EMS council about firefighter rehab.
b. Jason Bolinder and Kevin Russell
i. Nothing to report
c. Kevin Russell
i. Treasurer report
1. Fit tester $4366.00 to Randy. Fit tester arrived yesterday. Randy will provide a laptop. It will be stored where ever we need to.
2. Beckie received a check for 2nd quarter secretarial duties.
ii. Dugway
1. Has a lot of traffic to deal with including aircraft.
d. Justin Huffman
i. May 4th Wildfire preparedness day. Free BBQ for both communities. They will use dumpsters that Dan is providing for both communities.
e. Cami Carter
i. Nothing to report
f. Gerry Neil
i. Yard Clean up with dumpsters in Terra
g. Dan Walton
i. Meeting to see if its possible to load tumbleweeds into an air curtain burner.
h. Ron D’Andrea
i. Andy has them set up with Regina now. They have a direct pager system, turn on the radio and have an automatic response. They will be on scene a lot faster.
i. Travis Daniels
i. Nothing to report
j. Rick Harrison
i. For June Camp Hobe will be at Camp Wapiti. June 6-15th they are planning to have lots of volunteers and campers. Please respond quickly there if there are any calls there. July 13th is the 100-year celebration for the fire dept. They will have public events to mark that.
8. Meeting Adjourned
a. Next Meeting is May 2nd 7 PM at the EOC.
7, March 2019
Fire Chiefs Meeting 3-7-19
Attendees: Beckie Boekweg, Justin Huffman, Dan Walton, Bucky Whitehouse, Ron D’Andrea, Eric Grange, Randy Willden, Joe Manino, Kevin Russell, Craig Tate, Kevin Bowman, Travis Daniels, Rob Critchlow, Rick Harrison, Joe Carnell, Scott Rounds
1. Meeting Call to Order
a. Rob called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Approval of Minutes
a. Randy Willden made motion to approve Feb meeting minutes. Seconded by Rick Harrison. All in favor.
3. Treasurers Report
a. Kevin Russell gave report on total in account $8238.53
4. UFRA- Kevin Bowman
a. Regional Fire School
i. All participants taking CTC need to be present Friday night.
ii. Basic Fire Investigator class needs more participation.
iii. No flash over on Friday night. It is cancelled. Saturday morning flashover may be cancelled if we don’t get more participation. The cut off is the 20th of March.
iv. TEAD is working on some food options for lunch. Brad Tippets is point of contact.
v. Kevin will provide snacks. Bucky is providing fluids.
5. Joe Carnell and Scott Rounds- MW Ambulance
a. Tooele County EMS Committee Presentation
i. This committee is trying to lay a foundation to improve their systems.
6. Dispatch
7. EOC- Bucky
a. 2017 SHSP grant
i. Funds must be spent by March 20th. Please submit to bboekweg@tcem.org
b. Fit Testing Machine
i. Machine was ordered today and will arrive Monday or Tuesday. They will train NTCFD and then they will train others.
ii. Randy and Dan will work together to cover the remainder of the bill.
c. Spillman Touch
i. Are there any depts that want to buy into Spillman Touch
d. Alertsense Training
i. March 21st 10:00 AM at the EOC
e. Clean Harbors is working towards being able to take military grade flares.
f. Hazmat Assessment
i. Wanting all depts to go back and inventory their hazmat supplies and staff qualifications. Email lists to bwhitehouse@tcem.org by April.
8. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
a. Community Preparedness Plans
i. Tiffany would like to finish 2 depts by March 27th. Please contact her for help with your plan. Make appt . Please look over your docs and gather all information you can to be ready to complete them. The community plan is due July 1st.
b. CWPP Annual Summaries for 2018 is due July 1st. Dan will send it out.
c. Tooele County Fire Chief (part time) will serve on the unincorporated lands. He is here to support and expand his reach and help out more where he can.
d. Dan would like to do some cross training. Please let him know about dept trainings he could attend.
e. Basic Wildland class is starting in Grantsville
f. Wildland Refresher will be in April on a Wed at the county fire museum.
g. Dan will come out to upgrade Stockton’s Radios. Dan would like to schedule radio training with the depts.
h. Dan has been working with the roads dept to clean up the tumbleweeds along I-80. He may be using a curtain burner if he can arrange that.
i. Please use Dan by request if you have an incident that you would like him to come on as Tooele County Fire Chief.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Round Table
a. Justin Huffman- Stockton Fire- Joint CWPP Stockton and South Rim May 4th for Spring preparedness meeting.
b. Ron D’Andrea- UTTR They have new staffing and toys and vehicles out there. They are doing new mutual aid agreements with some of the main players. They will no longer be locked into mile markers. They now have a pager system. They want to be very involved with the community.
c. Eric Grange- Clean Harbors- He would like to extend an offer to visit to his facility to all depts. They are growing and changing and plan to have a huge increase in the next 5 years.
d. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville- There are 3 lantern fests scheduled.
12. Adjourn- Next meeting is April 4th 7:00
7, February 2019
Fire Chiefs Association Meeting Minutes 2-7-19
Attendees: Gerry Neil, Neil Dymock, Travis Daniels, Jason Smith, Rob Critchlow, Regina Nelson, Kevin Bowman, Randy Willden, Bucky Whitehouse, Justin Huffman, Dan Walton, Beckie Boekweg, Katie Gibble
1. Meeting called to order at 7:04 by Rob Critchlow.
2. Jan meeting was the Fire Chiefs dinner there were no minutes taken. Approval of December meeting minutes. Gerry Neil made motion to approve. Seconded by Neil Dymock. All in favor.
3. Kevin Bowman- UFRA
a. Regional Fire School
i. Still on schedule. Justin Huffman is taking registration. All instructors and props are set up. Kevin will make contact with Tooele Army Depot.
ii. The Friday night class from 6-10 Rural Incident Command all participants need to be in attendance.
iii. The deadline for registration is 30 days out, March 20th. Please give your names to Justin Huffman.
iv. Justin will get in touch with Chief Tate to see what the food situation is whether it will be food trucks, Eagles Nest or on your own.
v. Kevin will let the association decide how far to advertise for the fire school.
4. Regina Nelson- Dispatch
a. Regina asked for all stations to update their records for dispatch. Please return them by next month.
b. Field Response Guide was updated to version 7. The new guide was handed out. Regina went thru the new changes to be noted. Version 7 is the biggest update to ProQA Fire. Regina has more guides they are $10 per book.
5. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
a. State CWPP and annual summary by Katie Gribble.
b. Kenwood radios need a firmware update. Dan will be working on that.
c. Dan will provide formal radio training. Departments need to contact him.
d. Lloyd Evans got the position in Park City. Dan will be hiring an asst warden.
e. Dan has created all Fire Dept Alertsense Groups. Feb 21st 10-11 AM at EOC is admin training. Please try to have a member of your dept attend.
f. Wildland training requests for spring.
g. Vickers is doing an engine boss class Feb 19-21 at Lone Peak Fire Dist.
h. Sheriffs Office is hiring a part time Fire Chief. Dan applied for that.
i. Fire code amendments in the legislature look like they will pass.
j. 2019 Fire Dept Assistance grants due April 30th.
6. Katie Gribble
a. CWPP has a due date sometime this year. Grantsville and Tooele City both need to update as well as Rush Valley. Coordinate with Dan and Katie to get that done.
b. BLM provided grant funding to help complete several of the CWPP’s. There are also grant funds to help the other depts.
c. Katie is willing to bring booth outreach materials and man power to all summer events.
d. Coordinating Chipper Days with North Tooele May 14-16th. Contact Dan or Katie to get more information about that.
e. They have an engine boss position and a fuel crew member in the Wasatch front.
7. Bucky Whitehouse- TCEM
a. March 29th is deadline for 2017 SHSP reimbursement request.
b. 2018 SHSP eligible items are becoming stricter. AEL’s will be required.
c. Decontamination Training Feb 13th 3:00-5:00 and 6:30-8:30. Please RSVP to bboekweg@tcem.org with your session choice. Will be held at the Tooele Technical College.
d. Tooele County is having a large increase in hazardous materials suppliers and transporters. Please check your supplies and capabilities. NTFD is doing a tech refresher in March. If you have a decon trailer you are at the end of your 5 year contract. A hazmat exercise would be possible if this group wants to support that. A planning meeting will be scheduled for exercise.
i. Actions Items
1. Inventory trailers and inventory qualifications on personnel.
2. At next chiefs meeting discuss everyone’s needs concerning hazmat.
e. The EOC has acquired new damage assessment software. We can provide training and allow you access to use it on assessments.
8. Roundtable
a. Dan Walton- Fire Warden
i. Wildland skills packets are available.
9. Meeting Adjourned