Disasters come in all sorts and sizes. There is no one size fits all when it comes to disasters. Everyone will be affected differently, yet will experience the same disaster. Preparedness is very much a personal endeavor because of this. It is important to know what can happen in your area and what protective actions you should take during different types of emergencies. Below is a list of various events that might be experienced. Read through all the events and protective actions even if you don’t think we have those kind of things don’t happen locally, remember that you travel to different areas that might have those types of events. It is always better to know what to expect.
Being informed is also part of a communications plan with your neighbors and local leaders.
Sign up to be notified of weather events, major emergencies, and active county events. Link the Sign up to Alert Sense Sign up
Also know and understand the different ways that authorities will communicate information to the public through the warning system and the Emergency Broadcast System.
Likely Disasters for Tooele County
Emergencies likely to occur
- Unemployment – Families should practice self reliance and talk to the Bishop.
- Chapel emergencies – Know the number for emergency response services.
See if there is anyone with medical training available at the time.
Disasters likely to occur
- Earthquake – Duck, Cover, and Hold On
- Evacuation – If house is unstable or there is apparent danger leave immediately.
- Shelter in Place – If house is in good condition and there is no apparent danger, be prepared to use what’s available in the house to live because stores will be wiped out of merchandise and roads may be blocked. Listen to radio KSL 1160 for information.
- Fire – Get out and call 911
- Evacuation – Make sure everyone is out of the house safely and do not let anyone inside. Call 911 from a neighbor’s house. Wait for the Fire Department.
- Shelter for displaced people? What can the ward do? Red Cross may be involved.
- Severe Weather and Wind Event
- Evacuation – If in an unstable building get to a safer building.
- Shelter in Place – Get to lowest, most interior part of house.
- Severe Winter Weather
- Evacuation – If car travel is necessary, make sure vehicle is equipped with supplies. Wear layers.
- Shelter in Place – Wear layers. Keep together in a small room. Do not use oven to warm house or have unsupervised open flame.
- Systems Failure (Power, Water/ Sanitation, Transportation, Fuel, Supply Shortage)
- Evacuation – If in danger leave, and take Emergency kit. Otherwise the best thing to do is stay where most comfortable.
- Shelter in Place – Plan for long periods without services. Make sure to have enough food and water. Have ways to generate heat safely. Make plans before hand for sanitation if the sanitation system goes down. Prepare for all needs in advance.
- Flood
- Evacuation – May have to leave quickly. Make sure power is shut off and take emergency kit.
- Shelter in Place – If the water rises too quickly go to the highest possible point. Have emergency kit.
- Severe Heat/Temperature Extremes
- Evacuation – If people cannot get cooled there maybe public cooling shelters set up.
- Shelter in Place – Stay in the shade and get air moving. Stay hydrated.
- Epidemic
- Evacuation – Stay out of areas where people are sick, especially those who have health risks. Have barriers such as N-95 masks available.
- Shelter in Place – Develop a sick room away from those who are not sick. Make sure good sanitation practices are in place. Have a supply of food to avoid going out.
- Terrorist Incident
- Evacuation – Follow direction of authorities.
- Shelter in Place – Keep a low profile, notify authorities of anything suspicious, and listen to authorities for direction.
- Interstate Shutdown
- Evacuation – Take another route. Listen to Emergency Alert System (EAS) station for information on roads.
- Shelter in Place – Work from home. Be prepared to stay in vehicle for awhile. Make sure gas tank is always at least half full.
- Chemical Incident
- Evacuation – Go uphill and upwind from the chemical
- Shelter in Place – If told to “shelter in place,” go inside, close all windows and vents, and turn off all fans, heating, or cooling systems. Take family members and pets to a safe room, seal windows and doors, and listen to emergency broadcast stations for instructions.
- Civil Disturbance
- Evacuation – Leave immediately with emergency kit because problems erupt quickly.
- Shelter in Place – Listen to authorities and try to stay out of the way.
- Wild Fire
- Evacuation – Know evacuation route. Leave quickly and take emergency kit.
- Shelter in Place – To stay is deadly. Listen to authorities for information about where to find protection and shelter from the fire.
- Other Events to consider – Landslide, Abduction, Radiological Exposure, Drought, Avalanche, Active Shooter,
For more information on types of disaster and what actions to take visit or