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Minutes 2015

12, Nov 2015

Tooele County Fire Chiefs Association

Meeting Minutes
12, Nov 2015

The regular meeting of the Tooele County Fire Chiefs Association was called to order at 19:09 on 12, Nov 2015 in Tooele County by Chief Randy Willden.


Chief Bucky Whitehouse – TCEM – Tooele City Fire

A/C Justin Huffman – Stockton

Tom Wilson – Tooele County Fire Warden

Chief Gerry Neil – Terra Fire

A/C Rob Critchlow – Grantsville City Fire

Dave Owens / Kevin Bowman – UFRA

A/C James Tarpley-Tooele Army Depot

A/C Cassandra Ray-NTFD

Chief Randy Willden – NTFD

Chief Kevin Russell – Rush Valley / Dugway

Harold Chadwick – Ex-Officio (Grantsville)

Chief Mike Young – Wendover City Fire

A/C Travis Daniels – Grantsville Fire

Teresa Rigby – BLM / WDD

Jeremy Seng – BLM / WDD

(These are the people who signed the roll)


Treasurer – Bank Balance of $801.00

(Chiefs dinner and Dispatch gifts)

Harold would suggest that we hold the dinner every other year.

Short exchange about the dinner, no decision made.

Tooele County Chiefs should be recognized as a separate entity

Bucky asked what we should do about admin functions.

The County funds we are requesting could be able to pay for a person to transcribe the minutes.

Motion made by Gerry to send Bucky, myself and Harold Chadwick to meet with the Commissioners to get them to recognize out Association formally and to get them to reinstate our funding to an acceptable level. Seconded by Chief Russell, Voting was unanimous.

Banking discussion – New Treasurer will move the banking in 2016.


Dave Owens came out to introduce Kevin Bowman to the group.

Kevin is new (two weeks) to UFRA as a Program Manager and is excited to be representing UFRA to Tooele County.

Fire I & II class discussion and a Regional School. Does Tooele County want these deliveries?

NTFD has five people in-house; Tooele City has five or six for FFI & II, including “Live Fire” and Haz-Mat. UFRA suggests that we use the “Blended” approach to HM Ops.



UFRA would like us to set-up a yearly training calendar for UFRA needs.

Kevin Russell suggested dates for Regional School – April 22-23 (Friday & Saturday) All Day. CTC, FAST Prop and  ??? will be provided.

Winter Fire School (WFS) is coming together – over 600 people registered so far.

Website up now-Classes are posted, Registration filling fast.

New Forcible Entry prop coming from UFRA


Tom Wilson – TC Fire Warden

Nothing tonight

Sheriff Wimmer – Excused

Bucky Whitehouse – TCEM

Bucky reminded everyone about using LETPA funds for Winter Fire School for 2016.

We also discussed the reimbursement process for the LETPA.

2015 Articles of Agreement for the Grant are out, please get the Articles signed and back to Beckie.

We had a significant communications issues due to high winds at the South Mountain site.

Bucky showed the Tooele County Emergency Services website to the group. Explained what we could enter into the site, Minutes, agendas, meeting dates, drills, training calendars, etc. Tooele County Emergency Services will administer the site.

We will add the by-laws of the Association on this site.

Active Shooter drills and tabletops are coming. If you are interested, contact Bucky.

Bucky discussed the Bomb Team response and training available to us from the Region II bomb teams. Bucky would like to schedule some explosives training for the group. Day and night time training to cover full-time and volunteer FF’s.

Critical Incident Command training coming – Tabletop and classroom training.  Nov 30, Dec 1 & 2. TC EOC.

Road Update – Unable to hear his announcement about asphalt on the tape.

Chief Willden-

License plate grants came out today (11/12/2015)

Vote on by-laws Chief Gerry Neil made a motion to approve, Harold Chadwick seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. 2015-2016 By-laws stand as approved. They will be placed on the website.


Bucky Whitehouse will run the nominations for new officers:

2016-2017 President – Justin Huffman by Gerry Neil, seconded by Chief Willden

2016-2017 1st. Vice-President –  Rob Critchlow by Gerry Neil seconded by Kevin Russell

2016-2017 2nd Vice-President –  Rick Harrison by Harold Chadwick, seconded by Randy Willden.

2016-2017-Treasurer  –  Kevin Russell by Randy Willden, seconded by Gerry Neil.

Nominations closed until December 2015 meeting.

Dues discussion – Gerry Neil made a motion to up the dues by $25.00 per department for 2016, seconded by Rob Critchlow. All departments represented agreed to the increase. Unanimous vote taken


Rob Critchlow – Casey will be the Chief, Rob and Travis will be A/C’s next two years.

Harold – Nothing

Chief Willden thanked Harold for his years of service to the Association.

Chief Whitehouse – Elections at Tooele City Fire. Bucky will be Chief, Rick Harrison will be 1st Assistant and Chris Schubert will be 2nd Assistant for next two years. Driveway issues due to the Ladder placement.

A/C Ray – Nothing

Tom Wilson – Equipment has been loaded into the new billing system, each Chief will review the entries when Tom sends them out.

Chief Neil – Burglary at the Terra station – Tooele County is not helping out on the repairs or replacement of stolen items.

Chief Russell – Hiring more people at Dugway; Rush Valley is surplusing some vehicles.

A/C Tarpley – Tooele Army Depot – Lots of action at Depot also, hiring promotions coming soon.

Justin Huffman – Elections for officers in Stockton Fire are next week.

Jeremy Seng and Teresa Rigby from the BLM came to be part of the association, just interested in being part of the group. Teresa had some points on Drone Use and some handouts. Teresa also talked about communications problems on her burn pile notification. She will send it out to Bucky / Beckie and it will go out on his website. Also, for now, notify all of the chiefs.

Chief Young – New 100’ Platform truck (Used) in Wendover City. “I now have more apparatus than firefighters”.

NTFD – Made final inspection trip to Florida for Road Warrior. The rig will be enroute to Tooele County soon. It is RED.

Next Meeting –  Dec 03, 2015

Motion to adjourn – Harold Chadwick

New Business


01, Oct 2015

Tooele County Fire Chiefs Association

Meeting Minutes
01, Oct 2015


The regular meeting of the Tooele County Fire Chiefs Association was called to order at 19:02 on 01, Oct 2015 in Tooele County by Chief Randy Willden.


Chief Mike Jensen – Tooele City Fire

Chief Bucky Whitehouse – TCEM – Tooele City Fire

Chief Rick Harrison – Tooele City Fire

Chief Jared Carlson – Stockton City

A/C Justin Huffman – Stockton

Tom Wilson – Tooele County Fire Warden

Chief Gerry Neil – Terra Fire

A/C Rob Critchlow – Grantsville City Fire

Raleigh Bunch – UFRA

A/C James Tarpley-Tooele Army Depot

Bryan Thatcher – State Fire Marshal’s Office

A/C Cassandra Ray-NTFD

Chief Randy Willden – NTFD

Commissioner Myron Bateman – Tooele County Commission

Chief Kevin Russell – Excused

Harold Chadwick – Excused


Treasurer – Vote taken to consider move to Firefighters Credit Union

(Debit card issue)

UFRA – Raleigh

Winter Fire School (WFS) is coming together – Last 6 months preparing

Website up now-Classes are posted, Registration begins Nov 2nd @ 08:00 hours

SFM – Bryan

Legislative Update

Watch for retirement issues to be addressed again

Wildland retirement is a hot topic this year. Tom said he thinks it’s dead, Bryan thinks Jason Curry will work hard to get it going this year. (Tom said the wildland guys are in a 35 year system now)

Fire Prevention Week coming up fast – Oct 4-10

Fallen Firefighter Memorial at Fire Museum Oct 10th following the State Firefighters Association meeting

Apply for the License Plate Grant

Code Officials meeting Oct 21st. – State Senate Building

Utah State Fire Marshal’s Association training in January before WFS Jan 4-5 2016

Tom Wilson – TC FM

Tom mostly talked about MOU issues and bad attitudes in Tooele County-tired of people complaining about him behind his back. (FRUSTRATED) He would appreciate more cooperation with the Chiefs and his office.

Get the IC to sign paperwork.

Sheriff Wimmer – Excused

Bucky Whitehouse – TCEM

2015 HLS Grant coming out soon. If you are planning on any building remodeling, you need to be aware of the new Historic Building Preservation requirements. This has been extended to almost any building remodel, Technology installation, etc in a building.

Region II has issued an 18-month deadline on the 2015 grant so we get it spent.

Is everyone’s 2014 money spent?. If not, talk to Beckie NOW.

There is 2014 Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activity (LETPA) money available for training that can be tied to L.E. or Terrorism activity. Please apply and use the money. Any questions, please call Beckie. WFS could be valid use of the money.

Discussion on the Food Truck / Food Vendor issues surfacing in the County. NTFD, TCEM and the TC Health department are looking into fire code regulations relating to food vendors. Deep fryers, fire extinguishers, electrical issues, etc. It is becoming a problem and Bryan Thatcher stated that he had issues with the State Fair also this year. More to follow

Commissioner Bateman-

Use the Health Department for these issues, if the health department puts in a regulation, it becomes county wide and helps eliminate inconsistencies in code enforcement.

Bucky- Cont’d

Active Shooter drills and tabletops are coming. If you are interested, contact Bucky.

Bryan Thatcher stated that State Rick Management and State Office of Education are involved in the whole active shooter arena and have concerns about locking doors, blocking access, etc.

No longer coming to the meeting unless we have dispatch concerns.

Talked about the firefighter that sped through the Starbucks parking lot, lengthy discussion about FF plates and who can have them.

Chief Willden-

By-Laws discussion
We updated old language, removed old members who no longer attend the meeting and updated the by-laws to include voting language, etc.

By-laws will be sent out early November for review and final approval in November.

Discussion about teachers new to the school district “remodeling” their classroom in violation of school policy and fire codes. SFM and School Risk Manager will deal with these issues.

A/C Ray – Nothing

Chief Jensen – New truck is in town

Chief Harrison – Nothing

Chief Whitehouse – Out of the room

Chief Carlson – Nothing

Tom Wilson – Nothing

Chief Neil – Nothing

Chief Critchlow – Lantern Fest was a success, they want to do two per year. Starting in April, Any FF-I retakes? Chief Willden will be happy to retest any of the FF I-II students. Gerry has one, Tooele City has several. Get the names to Chief Willden

Road Closure in Grantsville was kind of a problem, notice would be nice. Concerns for traffic going to Autumn Fest in Box Elder Canyon.

Tooele Army Depot – A/C Tarpley

Brad Tippetts and James Tarpley and now the A/C’s. Hiring 4-5 new FF’s soon and several other positions are open.

Next Meeting – Nov 5th 2015

Motion to adjourn – So moved