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Minutes 2016

01, Dec 2016

Fire Chiefs Associations Meeting Minutes 12-1-16

Attendees: Kevin Russell, Kevin Bowman, Rick Harrison, Bucky Whitehouse, Bryan Thatcher, Mike Young, Stephanie Salazar, Dan Walton, Rob Critchlow, Casey Phillips, James Tarpley, Beckie Boekweg,Randy Willden, Justin Huffman

1. Welcome

a. Meeting called to order by Justin Huffman at 7:02.

2. Nov 2016 Meeting Minutes

a. Gerry Neil made motion to approve. Seconded by Rob Critchlow. All in favor.

3. Kevin Bowman UFRA

a. April 14th and 15th at Tooele Army Depot for Forcible Entry Prop. 12 people max. 4-hour class.

b. Company Officer Inspector class. Need 4-6 buildings where inspections can be done. 4-week time frame. 12 people max, 8 min. Kevin will need names and emails, send them to bboekweg@tcem.org asap. March 6th and 7th will be start date. EOC will be location.

c. Winter Fire School in St George on Jan 20th and 21st.

4. Annual Dinner

a. Jan 5th

– Spiros Makris to cater.

b. Email Justin how many people will be coming.

5. Kevin Russell- Treasurers Report

a. $1587.53 in budget

b. Rush Valley is spending SHSP money.

c. Dugway started contract building new training facility. Will have confined space facility attached to the side. Available to anyone who wants to use it.

d. Dugway has a Captain opening.

6. Bryan Thatcher

a. Hired new public education- Andrew McCormick.

b. Promoted Janna Demille to Utah Fire Incident Reporting System and will be hiring another admin assist.

c. Promoted Deputy State Fire Marshal Todd Hobein to be supervisor over the inspection and investigation section in our office.

d. License Plate grant awarded. Grantsville received the grant.

e. Winter Fire School Jan 2017.

f. Fire Prevention Board Jan 10th 8:30 AM SLC Council Chambers.

g. Bryan will be out Dec 25th to Jan 6th.

h. Fire Marshall Assoc. Meeting Jan 17th and 18th.

i. State Fire Chief Meeting Jan 18th.

j. Fire Arson Investigation Class will be taught by Bryan.

7. Bucky Whitehouse- Tooele City Fire

a. Assessment for response for unincorporated areas will be turned in soon. Checks should be out by beginning of year.

b. 2015 SHSP- start thinking about spending your money and turning in receipts.

c. How much Class A and Class B foam does everyone carry?

i. Dugway carries 1000 gallons on a trailer.

ii. NTFD carries foam sticks.

d. Drill with AirMed went well.

e. Emergency Management- Mtn West will be holding a memorial service for Jake Shepard on Dec 19th at 3:00 at EOC.

f. Dugway will be holding a class on Fentanyl Jan 9th at 6:00 PM at EOC.

8. Stephanie Salazar- Dispatch

a. Server migration has been fixed. Radio log is being fixed as well.

9. Gerry Neil- Terra

a. Everything is going well. Thanks for help with fire on reservation.

b. Currently has truck for Ophir. Going to return it in April. TEAD will respond to Ophir.

10. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville

a. Dynamite incident in Grantsville. Police will have bomb dog go through there. May have to respond again.

b. Will be on the City Council agenda to ask for a new truck.

11. Bradley Tippets- TEAD

a. Today was going away for Trevor Parker. He is going back to Hawaii.

b. Penny Thomas retires at the end of the year.

c. They are here to support everyone else. They are happy to host trainings.

d. Stockton and Tooele Army Depot will be doing training with busses. If interested in participating send Justin an email. They will practice cutting and burning a bus. Justin is working to try and get a UTA bus and a rideshare as well.

12. Justin Huffman- Stockton

a. Stockton is doing fine. Justin did Hazmat Tech in Alabama. Johnny Thatcher just finished his written portion and physical soon. They will have 4 hazmat techs.

13. Randy Willden- North Tooele Fire

a. March 1st they will be converting to 24 hr system. They will hire new full time captain. Hope to hire engineer position in a year.

b. Still trying to get Ambulance License

14. Adjourn

a. Next Meeting will be Jan 5th 7:00 Dinner.

03, Nov 2016

Fire Chiefs Associations Meeting Minutes 11-3-16

Attendees: Kevin Russell, Kevin Bowman, Rick Harrison, Bucky Whitehouse, Bryan Thatcher, Mike Young, Stephanie Salazar, Dan Walton, Rob Critchlow, Casey Phillips, James Tarpley, Beckie Boekweg
Excused: Randy Willden, Justin Huffman
1. Order

a. Meeting called to order at 18:00 by Rob Critchlow.

b. Bucky made motion to approve. Rick seconded by. All in favor.


a Kevin Bowman-

i. Forcible entry prop. Need dates.

1. 4 hr. class. 12 students max. 8 required to hold class. Can be held any amount of days depending on people.

2. Need location. Roster due 30 days before start date. Fire Chiefs need to pick dates and submit to Kevin.

3. We will need a dumpster close by. 1 hr classroom, 3 hrs hands on.

4. Tooele Army Depot can host.

5. April 14th & 15th or April 28th & 29th

ii. Company Officer Inspector-

1. Will be held at EOC.

2. 4 week course- 1st day 3-6 hrs. Prior to that they help everyone get logged into computer. The next 3 weeks on your own at home. Last day the host will need 4 businesses that will allow training inspections.

3. Need 8 students to hold. Max 12 students. Each dept will have a firm number of students by next meeting.

4. To be held in April

iii. Winter Fire School is open for registration.

1.The link is: http://www.uvu.edu/ufra/training/2017_winterfireschool_classlist/inde x.html

3. State Fire Marshal

a. Bryan Thatcher

i. Upcoming Legislation

1. Insurance Premium Tax Amendments- Senator Bramble

a. Restores money which was inadvertently removed from both the Fire Academy Restricted Account as well as from the Firefighter Retirement fund- $8 million to the Restricted Account and $17 million to retirement.

2. Firefighter Disability Amendments- clarifying language- Sen. Mayne

3. Firefighter Cancer Amendments- addition of certain cancers to the existing list.

4. UAS- Unmanned Aerial Systems- Drones: uses and restrictions- Sen. Harper

5. Local Amendments Incorporated as part of of State Construction Code-Rep. Ray

a. This bill may have some effect to certain cities who have amended the IBC or IRC in state statute- can be found in UCA: 15A-4-102 through 15-A-207- the Homebuilders Association is looking at specific cities who should be using the current 2015 family of codes (including the WUI code) to address these issues instead of having their own amendments.

6. Search & Rescue Card Amendments

7. Emergency Telephone Service Amendments

8. Utah Communications Authority Amendments

9. Medical Marijuana- Rep. Daw (enforcement) Sen. Vickers (regulatory framework)

10. Concurrent Resolution on Increasing Pay for certain Public Safety Officers and Firefighters- Sen. Weiler

11. Injectable Opiate Blockers Amendments- Rep. Ray

12. Building Code Review and Adoption Amendments- Rep. Redd

ii. Line of Duty Death Trust Fund- Cost to Participate

1. In 2015, House Bill 288, sponsored by the Governor. It also established a Trust Fund Board.

2. This Trust Fund is an “opt in” that municipalities and districts can join in order to provide medical premiums for surviving spouses and dependents of law enforcement and firefighters who are killed in the Line-Of-Duty

3. Annual rate of $98.00 per participant per year is the cost that has been established by the Trust Fund Board; that’s $8.17 per month.

iii. Firefighter License Plate Grant- Submission deadline was Oct 17th; the grant committee will be meeting soon to review and award those grant funds.

iv. Grantsville called him out for help with a structure fire. They did a great job stopping the fire.

4. Dispatch

a. Stephanie Salazar

i. Dispatch and other agencies are having a hard time getting thru to the IC with all the chatter on the radio. If another agency is trying to key up watch the overtalking.

1.Bucky asked if Dispatch could start paging out on another channel if there is a priority event in progress. Bucky encouraged dispatch to page fire on different channels as a training tool for the volunteers to get better on the radio.

2. Fire 3 will not be a priority. It is old FireEMS channel. Fire Ground is STA-4

3. Cannot have IC on fire ground. They will start paging out on another channel to everyone use to it.

4. Dispatch will leave everyone on their channel but its your responsibility to separate channel. They will prompt and ask. Policy is not to switch. Make sure you indicate if it is priority traffic. Dispatch is listening and keying.

ii. Wendover is getting a lot of 3rd pages. They will get on radio and acknowledge page and state en-route.

1. 1st page is at 5 and the next is at 3

iii. Thank you dispatch for help with Broadway Fire. They did a great job.

iv. If you have an issue with Active 911 please email Regina or call customer support.

5. DNR

a. Dan Walton

i. Will be coming around and doing inspections in the next 3 weeks. He will coordinate with everyone.

ii. Nov 10th Stockton will sign their community preparedness plan. Good job Stockton. They will be working to become a firewise community.

iii. Dan emailed everyone about the Utah State Fire Dept grant. They could come out in Feb and give a presentation at Chiefs meeting.

6. Sheriff

a. Not in attendance

7. Forestry

a. Not in attendance

8. BLM

a. Not in attendance

9. Treasury

a. Kevin Russell

i. Commissioners have cut check.

ii. Gave report on finances.

10. Emergency Management

a. Bucky Whitehouse

i. Variety of hazmat calls in the last month. NTFD has a situation where a heater from a jet motor was leaking. They had a hard time with clean up companies.

1. There is a list of local clean up companies on the www.tooelelepc.org website. We will also provide a handout to keep in truck.

2. The LEPC can take action against companies if they fail to clean up properly.

3. EM has boxes of absorbent if there is a need. There is a trailer for the south depts. Absorbent will be stored there. There are plenty of hazmat supplies if any depts. need them.

ii. Special Operations agreement needs to be signed by Dec 1st for payout. Email Bucky information about certifications and such.

iii. The South end is going to do a transfer of simulcast to help with quality.

iv. CERT programs are talking about Fire Corp. It is a support citizen corp program for fire depts..

11. Old Business

a. None

12. New Business

a. None

13. Roundtable

a. Tooele Army Depot has inspector retiring in Dec. They will be replacing her. They have a captain moving and they will be hiring for that. There was a fire in a storage building. It was fully involved and total loss.

b. Rush Valley Fire- still there.

c. Dugway Fire- is hiring a lot of people. They have an air trailer. There is a new program instead of sending stuff to DRMO there is a fenced in area where volunteers get first shot. You can put in an application for resources. Kevin can get you applications.

d. Tooele City Fire- Broadway Fire- Still searching rubble, no answers yet. Property owners were given 10 days to demolish building. New ladder truck was deployed and used for fire.

e. Wendover Fire- Is anyone interested in a 1996 Peirce Lance platform truck? Has offer of $7000. Hired another firefighter, now has 4.

f. Fire Warden- has a pallet of bladder bags, nozzles, fittings etc. at State shops. You are welcome to it. All wildland stuff.

14. Meeting adjourned.

a. Next meeting is Dec 1st at 7:00 at EOC.

06, Oct 2016

Fire Chiefs Association Meeting Minutes 10-6-16

Attendees: Gerry Neil, Rob Critchlow, Travis Daniels, Michael Young, Dan Walton, Rick Harrison, Bucky Whitehouse, Beckie Boekweg

1. Order

a. Rob Critchlow conducting meeting. Called to order at 7:04.

2. Minutes

a. Gerry made motion to approve September Meeting minutes. Seconded by Rick. All in favor.

3. Dispatch

a. Too much chatter on the radio on scene from responders. Dispatch would like them to move to fire ground.

i. Bucky feels that this needs to be clarified.

ii. Beckie will send invite to dispatch for next meeting held in Nov.


a. Kevin Bowman is excused.

5. Emergency Management

a. Bucky Whitehouse-

i. 2016 Homeland Security Grant will be available in Nov. Articles of Agreement are due Oct 7th. Grant Applications are due Oct 12th. Please send all to bboekweg@tcem.org

ii. 2015 SHSP is due by March 30th 2017. Please work on making purchases and getting invoices and proof of payment submitted to Beckie.

iii. Think about any projects that all fire dept’s could benefit from to use SHSP money.

1. Dugway is working on a training module for fire training purposes. Depts can use facility and will only need to reimburse for propane.

iv. Hazmat Response Agreement

1. EM is working on getting the agreement signed by all jurisdictions. In the agreement it says that in order to be a Tier 1 at least 2 people need to be certified at tech level certification. Bucky will ask everyone to create by name or category the number of individuals and their certifications. Also the agreement asks that depts. will respond in other areas when requested and that depts. participate in Fire Chiefs Meetings. Bucky does the evaluations and makes recommendations to commissioner for Tier level and dollar amount of award. Award will come out in December.

6. Fire Warden

a.Dan Walton-

i. Dan would like some help with the Wildfire Mobilization Guide 2017. Please review and give feedback. Attached.

ii. He will be doing red card classes soon. He can travel to your dept.

iii. It is open burn season until Oct 30th after that they will issue burn permits. Next burn season is March 30th to May 30th.

7. Roundtable

a. Gerry Neil- nothing to add

b. NTFD- They will be holding an open house on Wed 1800-2200. TEAD and Dugway will be holding open houses also for Fire Prevention Week.

c. Rick Harrison- Tooele City Fire Oct 15th Open House 10-2. Refreshments.

d. Michael Young- Wendover Fire- Nothing to add.

e. Dan Walton- Fire Warden- Nothing to add.

f. Travis Daniels- Grantsville Fire- Nothing to add.

g. Beckie- Keys found at Coleman during Tooele City Fire. Bucky will have them.

8. Meeting Adjourned

a. Rob made motion to adjourn. Seconded by Gerry. All in favor.

1, Sep 2016

Tooele Fire Chiefs Association Meeting Minutes 9-1-16

Attendees: Bucky Whitehouse, Rick Harrison, Bryan Thatcher, Kevin Bowman, James Tarpley, Jon Thatcher, Gerry Neil, Rodney Manzione, James Turner, Rob Critchlow, Beckie Boekweg, Cassandra Ray
1. Order

a. Meeting called to order by Justin Huffman at 1900

2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes August 2016

a. Gerry Neil Made motion to approve Aug 2016 minutes. Seconded by Johnny Thatcher. All in favor.

4. UFRA- Kevin Bowman

a. Forcible entry training props are ready now to be used during training

b. Flashover trailer in Dugway 21st and 22nd.

c. Reminder of Winter Fire School on Jan 20-21, 2017.

d. Encourage you to look at UFRA website for more information.

e. Ufra could do a Fire Inspector class if requested and has minimum number of students 8 with a max of 20 students. This class is 45 hours plus 4 hours for certification testing. This class is geared more for fire inspector/fire marshal

f. Ufra has a new class now called the Company Officer Inspector, it is a class that is a blended class that runs about 4 weeks. The first day is logging on to the computer and learning how the class will work. The next 3 ish weeks will be on line work then the last day is hands on inspections within your jurisdiction. So a 4 week period with approx. 12 to 16 hrs of classroom time and on line time on your own. This class is not for a certification but you receive a certificate of completion from UFRA. This class is geared more for the daily company officer level inspections.

i. Bryan Thatcher will come out to each departments training night and expand on Company Officer Training.

1. Bucky will be point of contact for that training.

ii. . www.onlinetraining.nwcg.gov for online wildland training

5. State Fire Marshal- Bryan Thatcher

a. Fire Prevention Board Sept. 13th. Agenda will be shared with group.

i. R7-10 are all the rules. State Auditor realized State Fire Marshals rules are not consistent. They are rewriting all the rules. You can look up the rules at www.firemarshal.utah.gov or Utah dept of Public Safety- division- Fire Marshal

b. LP Gas board is Sept 23rd.

c. Incident Response to Terrorist Bombing Class is available. Will be in New Mexico. Contact Art Deyo to register. Free

d. Interviews were conducted today for hazardous materials trainer. Will complete hazmat section of their office.

e. Kim Passeys position is still not disclosed.

i. Bucky added that tips are still coming in from Fire in Tooele City.

6. DNR/Fire Warden- Dan Walton

a. Congratulations to South Rim they finished their CWPP. Terra and South Rim are the only two depts. to have CWPP. It requires 3-4 meetings if you would like to get your CWPP.

7. Dispatch

a. Nothing for Dispatch

8. Sheriff

a. Nothing for Sheriff

9. Forestry- James Turner

a. They have been pretty busy on the forest past couple months. 3 fires going right now in the forest. Dan stepped in and IC’d the Davenport fire- 320 acres. Controlled at this point. There will be a locked gate at Davenport. Keys will be given for fire access. Thanks for all the help.

10. Treasury
11. Emergency Management- Bucky Whitehouse

a. As a result of the fire that occurred in July, Utah Motorsports Campus has 200 tickets for Fire departments for Nascar Series in Sept. Please put out word with your departments to see how many are interested. Bucky will take care of getting tickets.

b. 2016 SHSP funding will be available in end of Sept, first part of Oct. Info for grant will be due back to State in Nov. You will be receiving the same amount of money as last year.

c. Sept 12th Emergency Management will be holding an open house from 5-8. Sept is National Preparedness month. We would like to have all involved in event. You can bring equipment or set up a table. Please let Becky know if you will be able to participate.

12. Open Business

a. None

13. New Business

a. Rob Critchlow- Dispatch Playbook

i. Grantsville and North Tooele have places where there are no fire hydrants. They would like to have dispatch be able to page tenders to area that apply. TEAD would support that. Dan would support that and provide information. Tooele City will participate. Other water sources would be identified as well.

14. Roundtable

a. Rob Critchlow- Grantsville- Thanks for help with the lantern fest.

b. James Turner- Forestry- Thanks Dan for the help with Davenport.

c. Rodney Manzione- Vernon- nothing

d. Gerry Neil-Terra- nothing

e. Justin Huffman- Stockton- Thanks for support of Stockton Days. Finished ISO rating with State, waiting for what they determine.

f. Jon Thatcher- Stockton- nothing

g. James Tarpley-TEAD- Depot is still down a brush truck. They will have an opening for a job in a couple weeks.

h. Cassandra Ray- NTFD- Thanks to Dan for help with Davenport. Thanks Grantsville for help on Burmester.

i. Dan Walton- Fire Warden- nothing

j. Rick Harrison -TCFD- nothing

k. Bucky Whitehouse- TCFD- nothing

15. Meeting Adjourn

a. Rodney Manzione made motion to adjourn. Seconded by Rick Harrison. All in favor.

04, Aug 2016

Fire Chiefs Association Meeting 8-4-16

Attendees: Travis Daniels, Kevin Bowman, Neal Dymock, Kevin Russell, Rodney Manzione, Gerry Neil, Tom Thatcher, Justin Huffman, Steve Griffith, Bryan Thatcher, Mike Young, Dan Walton, Rick Harrison, Shannon Gowans, Bucky Whitehouse, Beckie Boekweg
1. Call to Order

a. Meeting was called to order by Justin Huffman at 19:00 hrs.

2. Roll Call

3. Minutes

a. No minutes from last meeting


a. Kevin Bowman– hiring for UFRA tester positions. Application on the website. Open until Sept 1. Train the trainer Aug 11th. No idea on hrs? Hopefully ready for delivery Sept or Oct. Pilot course in SLC another in Ogden. Forcible entry this week on the 8th. Winter Fire School Jan 20-21. Change in the speakers, new people, adding new classes. Regional School Oct 8th in Moab. In process of scheduling a lot of classes. Let him know if he can help schedule anything for this group. Company Officers Course is getting finalized.

5. State Fire Marshal

a. Bryan Thatcher – Discussion on Tooele City Fire. His perspective and 20 years of fire service, he has never seen anyone take a stand like that and stop fire from progressing. Ken Passey retired. Wade Francis came from Hill field and National Guard. Andrew McCormick is new public education specialist. Art Deyo is new section manager over hazmat replacing Mike Riley. Fire Marshal appreciates everyone’s efforts this season. If you have any significant fireworks events in your community let them know. (structure fire incidents) National Training classes available, they are free but require travel. Highly recommend class in New Mexico. Hazmat trainer 3 open at statejobs.utah.gov. New information on Tooele City Fire from Tooele City that was helpful, he still needs to hear from Tooele City Police. TEAD brought out their drone which was very helpful. He already received the CD’s and is amazed at the footage provided. He was able to document every one of the losses for insurance purposes. 1-2 times per month they have Valley Metro Task Force get together and share information and he was able to share the Tooele City Fire info to compile data. If you have any fires, especially if suspicious report to Bucky, he will compile the data. Include physical descriptions.

i. Bucky- right now Tooele has 4 set fires that are suspicious.

6. DNR/Fire Warden

a. Took trip to Ibapah and realized they don’t have any wildland PPE or HF radios. There are federal grants available if you feel you need some things. Submit it to Dan. He won’t be able to submit application until fall. FBS shift tickets and reimbursement statements- county pays first two hours, if you fill out a shift ticket you can get reimbursed by the state. Contact Dan for specific info to fill them out. Had good response on tribal fire.
Thank you for the hard work. BLM was concerned that vehicles were going too fast. Concerns about vehicles blocking the road. BLM is appreciative of help. 1000 acres involved in fire. Ophir fire dept. has 1 guy active at this point. It is undetermined if they will remain a township. Gary Vario is point of contact for fire.

7. Dispatch

a. Justin-

i. The text messages that go out through CAD do not always have the most updated information. Example: the structure fires in Tooele started as an “outside fire” in a field and quickly spread to homes. The text message sends when the first unit or station is dispatched to the call. How much narrative that goes out is dependent on how far the call-taker is into the call and the dispatch time. There may or may not be a lot of information in the narrative at the time the system sends the text. The text the night of the structure fires did not indicate the severity, this is when the voice pages are important.

ii. Additional manual text paging through dispatch to groups is an option as long as it is requested.

iii. Wendover FD has not been notifying Dispatch quickly of their response. Example from Sgt Heather Prescott: Last night there was a fire near Lakeside and WCFD was paged to respond. It was 6-7 minutes after the page before they questioned whether they needed to respond or not. Dispatch does not dictate response so we can not be responsible for making that determination. Heather’s crew sent Lakeside and the fire was out as soon as they arrived on scene. If it’s within the Wendover FD response zone and they don’t respond who should Dispatch call? Closet unit or North Tooele FD? (North Tooele FD)

iv. Ladder 222 is calling out as Ladder 22.

v. NTFD- Second page was done on active 911 for NTFD. Thank you!

8. Sheriff

a. Not Present

9. Forestry

a. Not Present

10. BLM

a. Not Present

11. Treasury

a. Kevin Russell- Hasn’t heard on the $1000 from the commissioners, need to give invoice to TEAD. Check?

12. Emergency Management

a. Bucky- 2015 SHSP is available, please use it. 2016 will be out this fall. State Fire Marshalls office is interested in conducting a flow study in Sept. Looking for volunteers. Will be on intersection of SR 36 and 138. More info to come. Active Shooter training Aug 19th at the EOC, all are welcome to attend. Free Pancake Breakfast for all first responders Aug 13th at 8 AM all proceeds go to fire victims. Side effects of Tooele City Fire- people wanting to do mitigation work. Is anyone interested in doing an organized
effort to promote mitigation? Or do you all want to do it alone? Dan will set up meetings and bring representatives. Citizens are able to log hours. Thanks to everyone who came to fire. Support much appreciated. Hotwash brought up points that needed improvement. 1st- radio gridlock in mutual aid response. Units should be paged on Fire 2- non essential channel for staging. Would like to have dispatch help set that up. Bucky appreciates prompting by dispatch. Bucky will have it added to fire policy to be prompted by dispatch. 2nd- medical group- anytime medical gets paged out to support fire activities Joe Carnell is asking Chiefs to come up with expectations for medical on scene. Medics would like to know who makes final determination on when firefighter is ready to go back out after rehab. Could they have a safety officer coming and going from rehab to help assess that. Randy- Firefighters should check in and out of rehab from division they came out of. Joe was apologetic for the confusion with his medics. 2 rehab spots should have been set up for this size of fire. Joe would like to come to fire chiefs meeting to get guidance from group. Thank you for all your help. The So. Baptists and Team Rubicon were able to remove all debris from total loss houses. Have been questioned if our community could establish a volunteer group like that. Need to discuss how new volunteers will report in for assignments on big fires that didn’t come in first wave. They need to be ready to partner up with other agencies. Travis- suggested that one time a year every dept. get together and train together to get to know each other.

i. Myron Bateman- Would like to complement our dispatch center. The most important thing in large events is communication. Incident command did an excellent job. Kernel at TEAD is happy to have mutual aid.

13. Old Business

a. Secretary Position- Justin talked to Shar from Vernon, she said she would help if needed. Justin talked to Beckie about being secretary. Gerry has tried to contact Chris Holland- no response. Randy made motion to have Beckie Boekweg as secretary of Fire Chiefs Association. All in favor.

14. New Business

a. Randy- Lady from Denny’s wants to give every firefighter and EMT on the fire a breakfast coupon. Please take one for each person who responded from your dept. Please thank Denny’s for generosity. They have been huge community partners. Encourage all to support community breakfast on Aug 13th. We really need to show support for these events. NTFD has received tentative approval for request for ambulance licensure. They have to apply for variance of license to provide 1 paramedic and 1 AEMT in lieu of 2 paramedics. Asking this group to sign a letter of support that you support application. Kevin made motion to support letter. All in favor. Motion passes.

15. Roundtable

a. Mike- Wendover- a go for Speed week Aug 13-19th. There are over 400 entrants. They have a private fire service for event. Wendover will cover anything that happens outside of salt flats.
b. Justin- Stockton Days Aug 13th They will have a breakfast and parade. Please bring a truck if you can. Justin will email out for anyone who wasn’t here to ask them for participation in the parade. Parade is 10:00 AM

c. Gerry- Terra- Thanks to Stockton, Dugway and Rush Valley for help in fire the other night. There is a new road in Skull Valley and it has a soft shoulder.
d. Kevin- Rush Valley- Completed ISO rating today. It went very well. Donating/ Selling their Peirce pumper. They will train them on it. Dugway is still in hiring process. Oct doing firefighter challenge. They will include women’s teams. Chief is adamant about getting additional county radios. They need 10 mobile and 5 hand helds. County will program them before they are installed. There will be a monthly fee paid to UCA. Andy will be contact for purchase. Current frequency can be put in new and old radios with Dugway’s approval.

e. Randy- NTFD- what would Grantsville like them to do with calls that come to them when Grantsville isn’t answering. How should people get ahold of fire dept.? Need to talk to programmer at DEQ about burn permits next year. North Fork Fire has a LaFrance they would like to donate to someone. NTFD can help Ibapah with PPE.

f. Travis- Grantsville- Please excuse Robbie. Lantern Fest- can NTFD and Tooele City Fire dept. supply a truck Aug 20th. Keep them appraised at how timely you get paid for it. Would like to see an inspector class at fire school this year. Would rather have it done local if possible.

g. Rick Harrison-Tooele City Fire Dept. would like to thank everyone for all the help they got on the fire that night. When the fire season is over they would like to do an appreciation dinner. Date to come. They will provide a truck at Stockton Parade.

16. Adjourn

a. Gerry made motion to adjourn. All in favor. Adjourned.